I would like to use this in my Android game but my layout is very minimalistic and I have no place to show attribution, is it ok if I show attribution only in Google play store in game description? It would look like this: https://ghost.sk/image/attribution.png (this is different game, not the one I'm making with your asset). Or must be attribution directly in game? Thanks for info.
Thanks. I'm using it in my game Virtual Boyfriend for Android.
License is incorrect! Engine itself is under CC0 but data are under CC-BY-3.0
I would like to use this in my Android game but my layout is very minimalistic and I have no place to show attribution, is it ok if I show attribution only in Google play store in game description? It would look like this: https://ghost.sk/image/attribution.png (this is different game, not the one I'm making with your asset). Or must be attribution directly in game? Thanks for info.