@Tap, I think you are doing it wrong. Try splitting the strips into chunks and loop it like a snake you know... Like a LILO (Last-In-Last-Out). Here's an example of the chunks animated: https://puu.sh/Cbk51/2f212b86b2.gif
Here's another animation to illustrate the idea: https://puu.sh/CbkAS/08c6f28832.gif
Images also added as attachments.
@Tap, I think you are doing it wrong. Try splitting the strips into chunks and loop it like a snake you know... Like a LILO (Last-In-Last-Out). Here's an example of the chunks animated: https://puu.sh/Cbk51/2f212b86b2.gif
Here's another animation to illustrate the idea: https://puu.sh/CbkAS/08c6f28832.gif
Images also added as attachments.