Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought .blend files weren't typically used directly by games. My understanding was that they're more like GIMP's xcf, where it's a working format that, when done, gets exported to a more easily usable format. From GIMP you export a png or jpg, from Blender you export obj or collada or something. These formats are probably easier to import into games. But, of course, .blend files get uploaded here because that way they can be modified or exported to any other format through Blender.
Thought I'd add that I've tried it, and it was wonderfully fun. I only had two suggestions (archers have it easy and it's too easy to split up enemies by drawing the attention of only one), but I see they've both been covered. Keep at it, this'll be awesome.
As a warning: my understanding is that SDL does not handle per-pixel alpha very efficiently. If you use it too much, it'll have a noticeable framerate impact. I know, that contrasts with antialiasing, and I don't even have any alternatives to suggest, but just be aware.
Brandon, just out of curiosity: for something highly directional and distant (like a bird), wouldn't a shotgun mic be best? Or are they just too expensive/specialized to consider?
Ryzom, an MMO, went mostly free a few months ago. All their assets are CC-BY-SA, available from But I think all their 3D models are done in 3DSMax. Not perfect for this place, I know, but not a deal-breaker, right?
Based on Voronoi polygons:
Includes a Flash-based example generator:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought .blend files weren't typically used directly by games. My understanding was that they're more like GIMP's xcf, where it's a working format that, when done, gets exported to a more easily usable format. From GIMP you export a png or jpg, from Blender you export obj or collada or something. These formats are probably easier to import into games. But, of course, .blend files get uploaded here because that way they can be modified or exported to any other format through Blender.
Aww, I was excited that there might be a completely new project here. But a rename is fine too.
Much of it sounds very much like the backing track in
Is that just a standard loop in GarageBand? Apple may have copyrights over that, I don't know.
Thought I'd add that I've tried it, and it was wonderfully fun. I only had two suggestions (archers have it easy and it's too easy to split up enemies by drawing the attention of only one), but I see they've both been covered. Keep at it, this'll be awesome.
As a warning: my understanding is that SDL does not handle per-pixel alpha very efficiently. If you use it too much, it'll have a noticeable framerate impact. I know, that contrasts with antialiasing, and I don't even have any alternatives to suggest, but just be aware.
Brandon, just out of curiosity: for something highly directional and distant (like a bird), wouldn't a shotgun mic be best? Or are they just too expensive/specialized to consider?
Might you be thinking of GtkRadiant? It doesn't quite sound like what you're describing, but it's fairly prominent.
Or maybe Hme?
Or maybe Geomorph? It seems to closest fit your description.
Whatever, all of these sound cool.
Audacity has a feature for doing exactly that. There are tutorials around, like this one:
Ryzom, an MMO, went mostly free a few months ago. All their assets are CC-BY-SA, available from But I think all their 3D models are done in 3DSMax. Not perfect for this place, I know, but not a deal-breaker, right?