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Monday, October 8, 2012 - 12:41

You forgot to add the texture with bubbles to the files section. I did this for you.

Friday, October 5, 2012 - 17:57

Pro Tip: You need to separate individual tags with commas. This time, I'm gonna do this for you.

Friday, August 24, 2012 - 18:47

I support your suggestion - we should keep OGA free from art that can't legally be used worldwide.

Thursday, August 23, 2012 - 20:48

I'd go even further than claudeb and say don't think in terms of libraries - think in terms of modules.

My reasoning is that even libraries can be pretty big projects (depending, of course, on what the library tries to accomplish) and will sure as hell become a terrible mess if don't keep them organized inside. It's therefore a better approach to clearly separate library projects into several modules which don't depend on each other, provided this is possible and the library is large enough to warrant this, i.e. not a single-purpose library like zlib.

Another useful thing to keep in mind is to both modify and rely on internal states as little as possible. Not changing any internal states obviously won't work, since your game wouldn't do anything, but if you've got two equally complex ways to implement a feature -- one way that relies on internal states and modifies these states, and another one that solely relies on the input it was given and returns a value -- I'd go for the second one. It will keep testing simpler, reusing your code will be easier and you won't experience a nasty surprise if the internal state was set to a value you didn't expect.

Monday, August 6, 2012 - 13:16

If I remember correctly, CMake can build .deb and .rpm packages and a NSIS Windows installer -- although this feature didn't work that good the last time i've tried and the packages might need some manual corrections.

Thursday, July 19, 2012 - 18:43

Thanks for sharing this great song, and for knowing that black is the only way to enjoy your cup of coffee ;-) .

Friday, July 13, 2012 - 16:32

I'm not sure if there are facilities for specific metadata, but PNG allows generic comments which could be used for such purposes. In gimp, these comments can be edited via Image > Image Properties.

EDIT: @bart: Wouldn't it be possible for OGA to automagically insert such comments based on the licenses and the attribution text the user selected?

Thursday, July 5, 2012 - 11:21


There isn't really much to translate anyway. I'm nearly done now, the only thing I'm still not sure about is this string:

Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw; With ravine, shriek'd against his creed

It's from the poem "In Memoriam A.H.H." by Alfred, Lord Tennyson. You can find it here on wikisource. The whole stanza is:

Who trusted God was love indeed
And love Creation's final law?
Tho' Nature, red in tooth and claw
With ravine, shriek'd against his creed?

I thought it would make sence to translate the whole stanza and then take the last two lines. That's what I've come up with:

Der glaubte Gott sei Liebesschwur
Und Liebe aller Schöpfung Start?
Erwehrte sich nach frommer Art
Des wilden Ungetüms Natur?

It's obviously not a literal translation, but I'm quite content with it. What do you think?


Wrong casus. Damn you, "Der Dativ ist dem Genitiv sein Tod" - syndrome ;-) .

Wednesday, July 4, 2012 - 21:15


If you have not started yet, I'd like to offer doing the German translations (I have done the majority of Flare's German translations for v0.15).


However, if you've already started translating or if you want to do it, here are some tips:

  • Each mod contains a 'languages' subdirectory, which in turn contains the .pot files and .po files.
  • To update a .po file, run 'msgmerge -U --no-wrap --backup=none /path/to/ /path/to/data.pot'.
  • To speed up the translation process, you can search for the keyword 'fuzzy' (translations which need to be updated) and for two consecutive double quotes (strings which still need to be translated).
Monday, July 2, 2012 - 17:21

Another suggestion, what about an 'autofill' function that when typing in tags it trys to suggest what you are typing. Then take that one step further, once you add a tag, it can suggest you tagged it with 'sprite' did you want to tag it with 'sprite sheet' as well? then peolpe can just easy click and autifill their tags.

Not sure if we're thinking of the same thing, but there already is an 'autocomplete' function for tags: if you start to type a tag, OGA will suggest already existing tags.
