What is generated with the help of the collaborative A.I. is licensed in what way?

What is generated with the help of the collaborative A.I. is licensed in what way?

I don't know if this is the right place for posts about doubts and licensing, however ...

I created some conceptual images of 2d characters and also character faces that can be used in an RPG game for example, using a collaborative AI tool, which was trained using third party arts to learn its concepts, and the tool although it uses a code source that is in GPL3.0, it uses in part a resource from Nividia among others that may have different licenses.

It uses resources similar to Picbreeder, many here must already know tools like this. These tools use GANs to create their derivative arts.

My doubt is: If an A.I.learns using collaborative art and third party arts, everything she creates will be on CC0 even if the source of her learning is not right? since it is a machine, a tool and not a human being. Right? She is a creative tool and not a creator, right?

The tool's own website states that the images created with the help of AI are Public Domain (CC0), but the website does not provide a certainty of the origins of the initial images used for AI learning, which I think is the reference and base used by AI to create your images ...

So, if I use art created by an A.I. as a basis to create my own derived arts, how can I license these images and share them here on OGA? On CC0 too? or any other license that OGA accepts? since what I created is derived from the image that AI created, is it partly also my creation? Or in the end, shouldn't I share them here at OGA?

Could anyone who understands these licenses on collaborative derived arts and arts made by A.I.would answer me?

(Below are some conceptual arts that I made using this type of tool? I just configured the reference options and she created them as a result ... So it looks like something procedural too.)

868ee82235bae17fbee7.jpg 868ee82235bae17fbee7.jpg 74.9 Kb [0 download(s)]
7ecd943b1191d41dfb8b.jpg 7ecd943b1191d41dfb8b.jpg 73.9 Kb [1 download(s)]
gurotan.jpg gurotan.jpg 81.3 Kb [0 download(s)]
gabrielperfil.jpg gabrielperfil.jpg 79.5 Kb [0 download(s)]
yucanlelfwoman.jpg yucanlelfwoman.jpg 84.1 Kb [0 download(s)]
grendar2.jpg grendar2.jpg 101.3 Kb [0 download(s)]
landscape.jpg landscape.jpg 221.8 Kb [0 download(s)]
grendar1.jpg grendar1.jpg 90.3 Kb [1 download(s)]