Sara - Wizard
Sara - Wizard
Saturday, March 28, 2009 - 20:13
Art Type:
A fighting sprite of a female spellcaster.
Attribution instuctions: You must include a link to in your credits along with the author's name.

If there was a jump animation for this, it would be my favorite character on OGA....
Who am I kidding!, it is my favorite character on OGA, but a jump animation would make it perfect though!
[edit] why isn't this in any collection though? doesn't make sense.
I agree, Redshrike you ought to put this in your platformer collection, here
Generally it's better to comment on the collection itself, rather than the art, since it's easy for me to miss art comments. I came across this one by chance.
I realized that after I posted this.
+1 on the jump comment by VividReality
This would make a really awesome platformer character if it only had a jump animation.
Can i use only the CC-BY 3.0 License?
I want to add her as the "princess" of my game :P And i plan to sell my game, will it be ok?
andrelopes1993, you can use art or other assets with any of the licenses listed. You don't have to use all the licenses, just pick one. The only exceptions are things that explicitly say they are licensed under multiple at the same time (like Liberated Pixel Cup assets). You can use anything on this site for commercial or non-commercial use as long as you give credit when it's required (anything that is not licensed CC0 requires attribution).
Pretty neat to see this sprite in the opengameart icon
Here is an attempt to add a jump animation.
(Same licences)
And here is a double jump animation, because every cool platformer hero can double jump.
4x upscale including jump anims by @davenewton
Death animation and distress pose.
(Same licences)
Sara in a seaplane. (Same licences).
I noticed Sara sprite in megadrive games :
I havent found credits :(
Is that destress pose censored?
Not sure about what you mean, but I took inspiration from nose art and vintage books with damzel in distress :
where can i download the charachter
Click the blue text under 'files.'