8-Bit Fantasy
8-Bit Fantasy
Saturday, March 7, 2015 - 09:29
Art Type:
300+ 8x8 sprites for a fantasy/adventure game including:
- 10 Running, fighting, blocking, jumping characters
- 6 small, 4-frame animated enemies
- Foreground+Background tiles including grass, stone, dirt, brick and 8 frame animated water
- Chests, barrels, signs, blocks and other objects
- 6 Still backdrops and 1 4-frame animted backdrop
- Mountains and clouds that scroll seperate from backdrops, for parallax
- Over 20 weapons that can be used to customize the characters
- UI, healthbars and pixel font
Instructions for animation are located at the bottom of sheets 5 and 6
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Please inform me about your project before using these sprites, and give credit to "LD" or "Lucid Design" and link to http://luciddesignart.tk/

Nice graphics. Thanks for posting them here.
You should modify your Copyright/Attribution Notice, though. The CC-By license does not require anyone to inform you that they are going to use the graphics before they do so. By marking it as CC-By you already give them permission to use it without having to inform you.
Also, instead of saying "give all credit" it'd be helpful to list what you want the credit to say.
Hey. and thanks!
I'm still pretty new here and not really used to how the licensing works. I understand that CC-By does not require them to inform me, but based on the license descriptions in the FAQ, I didn't think any of these licenses did (let me know if there's a better license for me to use), and I was really just curteously asking that they do, not demanding it. I modified my Copyright/Attribution Notice to make the attribution more clear.
I really love your pixel art, and I would like to create a game using it. At the moment I am planning an rpg-style platformer, and your art fits what I am looking for perfectly! How would you like me to credit you (it may be a while before it is even near completion, however)? I will also be creating some of my own art with your style, so I hope that's ok.
Hey, ketchupcoke!
You can attribute me as stated above. If you still have questions, use the personal contact form and I'll get back to you by email. If you need any specific sprites that are not included, I can create those too.
these are great! and a very complete set! thanks for sharing!
> I'm still pretty new here and not really used to how the licensing works
Since you mention your new, wanted to mention that CC-BY license contains a clause prohibiting use on platforms that use DRM. Since most commercial platforms (IOS, Android, PS, XBox, Steam) have some form of DRM this does limit what folks can do with your art. Of course, if (like most folks ;) you hate DRM maybe that's what you want. :) At any rate, I thought I'd mention it, since you said you were new to licensing stuff and it's something many, many people miss when reading over the CC-BY license. Bart has created an OGA-BY license, which contains an attribution requirement but no DRM restrictions which you can use if attribution is your main concern.
Ok, let me repeat the final caveat, that I'm not trying to tell you how to license your work, that's totally your decision, and you are aces in my book just for sharing no matter what the license you choose. I just thought I'd mention this, as you said you were new to license stuff and it something that has tripped up many folks in the past.
oh, having downloaded the set, let me ask if the font in there is your creation also?
Another tip, just a thought really, is that you might want to drop a copy of the license and the attribution instructions in the zip file. Just as a sort of 'just in case you missed it' sort of thing.
Hey, thanks for the tips!
I changed the license to OGA-BY 3.0 and added license.txt to the folder specifying the license and attribution. And yes, the font and all of the other sprites are of my creation.
glad to help, and that's good news about the font, because it looks nice too!
Here's a little gif showing off some of these sprites!
Dang the background looks so raaad!
I wanted to inform you that I was going to use these sprites for my game
I will link your website and give credit if it gets done
These are very cool! i LOVE 8x8 sprites!
Hi, these look great. I'm going to use them for a medieval platform game.