Screen Resolution?
Screen Resolution?
Saturday, July 7, 2012 - 19:30
What is the ideal screen resolution for the LPC contest? I will prob not have time to have a 'chooser' for different resolutions, so really looking for a min size that is acceptable for I can design around it. Is that still 800x600, or bigger? (please be bigger ^^)
I couldnt see anyone being lower then 1024x768
Full Steam Ahead! o/ <-- little ascii fist in the air holding a debugging hammer.
I'm going to be greedy and aim to use something like
1200x800 (or even 1400x800)
of screen space for my HTML5 game. There are far too many web-based games that you can only play in a little rectangle lost in a big empty expanse in the center of your screen...
Keep in mind that 15" laptop screens (the cheapest and most common) seem to have standardized on 1366x768. (Though older 1280x800 screens are still common.) Also remember that the browser chrome takes up space too. And what if you want your game to be embedded in an existing Web page?
Most importantly, the more pixels you have to push, the lower your framerate. And pixel counts increase geometrically with resolution.
I disagree, I think the standard resolution on even cheap laptops is higher than 1366x768.
Nevertheless, it's still early enough to make adjustments.
I wasn't going to have whole screen taken up by a canvas element, as I'm pretty sure there is no way you can get a decent framerate with a large canvas at the moment.
So 800x600 canvas element on one side of the screen,
assuming a screen size of 1200x700 that leaves approx. 400x600 for
the GUI part that I am working on at the moment...
<<Clicks on inspect element, metrics>> 631 pixels wide...hmmmm....
Ok, back to the drawing board :D
I think claudeb has a good point. the 1280x720 resolution is a lot comman. I think you might wanna crop the Game frame a bit from top and bottom.
Believe it or not. I'm working on 800 x 480 which sometimes displays a field "as big as" 400 x 240 =P
My gaming desktop runs at 1024x768 (limitation of my current monitor). I think I intend my game to default to 800x600 unless I get to being able to switch it.
You would be wrong. Unfortunately, for now, that is indeed the standard resolution on a majority of laptops of screen sizes varying from the lowly 11" all the way up to 15.6"
I picked 800x600 right at the start, and I'm sticking to that. It would be too much work to change it now (and much more to support multiple resolutions). Hopefully the resolution won't matter for the judging of the games.