Defeat of the Ancient One
Defeat of the Ancient One
Our game is Defeat of the Ancient One.
We hope to extend the game into a more complete experience and would love to hear your thoughts!
Also we know the last boss is a bit underpowered. We are working on it. Toughening up an ancient evil takes a lot of work. Many pixels have already been sacrificed.
Defeat of the Ancient One is our attempt at a tactical RPG as an entry to the 2012 Liberated Pixel Cup <>. You control three friends investigating strange portals that have opened. Close (=destroy!) each of the portals and defeat whatever emerges to save your village!
Phong Le
Benjamin Liyanage
Chris Pennington
Emma Roach
LPC Submission version
W - Camera pan up
A - Camera pan left
S - Camera pan down
D - Camera pan right
X - Enter move mode (when appropriate)
C - End turn (when appropriate)
V - Cancel action (when appropriate)
"+" - background volume up
"-" - background volume down
Up/Down arrows - scroll through and highlight actions.
Enter - select highlighted action.
Escape - pause/ unpause the game.
This was a lot of fun! A tutorial on how to make more maps would be awesome - I think something like this could go a VERY long way with user-generated content, followed by some kind of glue to make campaigns.
Hey Glen, I wrote a review for your game
I really enjoyed your game, though I think it was a bit too hard, as the portals just kept spawning wave after wave of enemies. A small indicator of how much damage you dealt would be nice, as well as a way to disable the "auto-movement" of the camera.
Thanks for the game! I enjoyed it a lot!
The balancing was a bit funny. As we improved the AI of the enemies, the game suddenly became much more difficult. We nerfed them but I guess we didn't go far enough. At higher levels the players tend to be overpowered and we did not have time to rebuild our entire leveling structure.
Damage reports are definitely on our list of improvements. During team discussions we also talked about how/when we wanted th camera to move. We decided it would be better for the camera to pan, to each active actor, rather than only those that you control. Since there are so many hostile actors you would see all of them rather than just have the camera focused on a part of the board without action, waiting for hostiles to finish their turns. We will likely toss in a camera pan toggle in the future, or some other indicator of action off screen. I agree the camera pan was not terribly smooth, especially on high resolution monitors.
I'm glad you enjoyed the game. Thanks for the review!!
I'll keep your comment in mind as we revise and cleanup the code. Thank you!
Glad I could provide some feedback!
I've played a lot of tactical rpgs (they're my favorite genre), and most games really just leave the camera control on the current character while stuff happens at a pretty fast rate. You're usually allowed to move the camera wherever you want while the enemies take their turns.