Platformer Armor
Platformer Armor
Wednesday, April 28, 2010 - 19:47
Art Type:
I applied my RPG armors to the platformer animations I uploaded earlier:

There seems to be a big gap at the back of the knees in most of the animations.
The running animation also doesn't look very natural. Perhaps the knees don't go far enough forward.
clrg, the model I'm using has very low poly joints. When the knee bends it collapses more than it should, probably creating that gap. It's accentuated by bulky shin guards over thin shins. I'm using these models/animations in isometric view where the knee isn't really seen in profile.
The running animation looks stiff cause it was originally designed for someone running holding weapons/shields. I shortened some arm/leg movement so that most weapons wouldn't clip through or flail wildly.
I can probably create cleaner renders/animations of these if someone uses them in a project. Just contact me.
Is it possible to make the model itself available on
clrg, yes I can upload them. For now you can find them here:
Hi Clint, i really like your stuff here, I'm an indie developer (currently attempting ot make my first game) and I'd like to know if I can use these graphics? Do you have any requirements / restrictions on them?
killinghurts, the art is released under CC-BY-SA 3.0 (or later).
As always though, drop me a private message and we can talk about alternate terms.