Unpaid [Logos]
Unpaid [Logos]
Monday, October 8, 2012 - 13:35
Looking for someone to help revamp some old software logos. Most of the logos will be Black and White style prefferabed. The software as well is office based so the text must be clean and crisp.
Software Title Names:
UOK Paper - or - Paper
UOK Slide
e Soft
UOK Radio
Stick It
Visual Basic Flash
Please email us at uokgames@gmail.com if you would like to help. Thank you.
Also note these images/logos must be discussed and planned. We can not just throw up a image and say "here what do you think". Because its a logo, we will have to talk about it, plan it out, discuss marketing involed etc. Thank you.
Are these games?
Are these open source?
Will the final logo art be proprietary or can it be released under a CC license?
Games? No its office and educational commerical software
Open Source? No its Commerical software we have developed a number of years ago, some of it is freeware but not open source
Art Lic. CC? I think that would be discussed with the artist. Some artist would say no others might want CC, it would be something that would need to be discussed with them.
So why do you post this request on a site for open-source, game-related art under (mainly) CC licenses? Since I believe Bart has asked you to not post unpaid, non-open requests before, consider this the final warning.
Not trying to argue here but what rule does this violate and where should this request be made then? My understanding of this section and please correct me because I guess I'm wrong or misunderstood, is to share, help or request art images reguardless of Lic. type. I have the orginal art for the software logos I was simply requesting help updating them. So I'm sorry why is this not allowed? Not trying to be rude or argue but I honestly don't see how this request violates anything. I seen a lot of people requesting help for commerical projects or I thought I seen them requesting.
Generally this site is devoted to Open Game Art. Logos for proprietary non-game software is not really our focus. It's not that this is expressly forbidded, but ill suited for the site -- so ill suited that it might as well be spam.
I think you'll have luck on other sites with different specialties.
Specifically in your case, you really want Vector art for logos. If you haven't already, check out this resource: http://openclipart.org/ Everything there is Public Domain and many of the styles should be suitable for logos.
I understand Clint and thank you for the suggestion. Yes vector art would be best suited in this case. However, public domain based icons would likely not work well for something sold commerically. This may be a long shot question but if you have a link handy to a website were I could request vector art free of course (request base or non-public domain) would be great. I think it would be best to get a custom logo vs. a public data base type logo if that makes any sense. Thanks in advance.
I found this link incase any one else needs vector art. The forum appears to be broken but i'll keep searchig incase someone needs vector art for logos etc.
Hope they help someone.
You must think about what this community/designer will get for that. People contribute to this site because they beleive in open source and open art, and they do it in their free time. Why would anyone jump in and design logos for your commercial software, which by it's nature should be able to fund it's logo design. If not, then, well, i think you might want to revise your strategy. Additionally, your attitude feels like you are paying few hundred dollars for them, but you are only requesting, and not giving anything in return.
I’m not an artist myself but a lot of people like to do these things to help build up their portfolios. So that would be one benefit.
Which they could do by designing a logo for a piece of Free and Open Source Software.
As usual you want to profit from someone else's effort while giving nothing in return.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Most logos are in public domain. Text and simple shapes does not have enough creative content to be copyright protected (see Wiki for details). They are protected by trademark laws not copyright. Therefore, pd clipart is perfectly suited for the task. In addition, you can keep the copyright of the modified logo.
Greetings, old_school!
I can sympathize - when you've got too much business, there are just some tasks that you don't have the manpower for, no matter how hard your interns are working to keep up. Fortunately I'm not in that position, and so to help out I've tasked my newest intern Leo with coming up with a logo or two. Attached below is the logo for Stick It which Leo worked out last night.
Here, what do you think?
Leo has graciously agreed to release it for free under a royalty-free Creative Commons license. He is very fond of his online handle 'violation' (it was his Ultima Online username and he's grown quite attached to it), so pursuant to the terms of CC, you must include the following attribution verbatim in your credits:
"Logo image copyright violation 2012, CC-By-NC 2.0"
My project: Bits & Bots
Thanks, I'll pass it along to Annick and get her approval. Big Ultima Online fan my self by the hence how we got our name lol I was working on a simular UO style game but we started to have some funding issues with the project. The guys who built UO must of had a huge budget MMORPG's are just to darn expensive to develop. Anyway, Annick is our Art director, I would send the task to her but she is working on other software but it has to get her approval. Ive learned over the years my eye for art sucks so I pretty much relie on her for everything visual.
I feel you on the budget aspect. A game of such scope requires a large team of talented programmers with knowledge of advanced topics like arrays - you can't just find talent like that in your average high school classroom. Certified programmers can command large salaries, especially with the cost of degrees and certifications skyrocketing lately. Makes me wish there was some competition in the certification field - everyone seems to be locked into one or two big cert outfits, monopoly-style, which keeps costs artificially high and isn't much good for anyone in the long run.
Regarding the logo, please let me know as soon as Annick grants approval, or whether she has any requests or suggestions for updates Leo should make to the image. He is quite anxious to have his artwork included in a project and has expressed interest in doing further logo work if accepted - he's a talented artist, as is evident from his gallery, but he needs to build his portfolio of digital works to be able to secure future work in his field. I actually considered offering him a programming position since he knows some C++ and Visual Basic (he even collaborated with Dan Brown on some code a while back), but he is dead set on a career in digital art.
Thanks again for your consideration, and have a great day!
My project: Bits & Bots
@MoikMellah: Just had to log in when you mentioned Leo, haven't seen him literary for ages, good man. I'm sure most of us could learn a thing or two from him. Thumbs up for your professional response concerning this matter. Couldn't have done any better.
Still waiting on Annick sorry for delay. Something must of happend out side of work. I'll let you know the verdict as soon as I get a hold of her.
Regretfully, it seems Leo will be unable to work for a little while as he has a mild infection in his wrist. I tasked him over the weekend with taking care of some clerical work, and he got a nasty splinter from the antique side table in my office while feeding old documents into the paper shredder. We thought it was no big deal at the time, but by the end of the day yesterday his forearm had gotten pretty red and swollen; his doctor says he'll be fine with some antibiotics, but he'll need to take it easy until at least April. It truly is a shame as it has completely incapacitated his stylus hand, which is usually rock steady, and this is a pretty big setback for his semester project as well, a faithful small-scale reproduction of Raphael's 'Deliverance of St. Peter'. Unfortunately for us, this also means he'll be unable to perform any design work for a time. Looks like it's relaxation and Cowboy Bebop reruns for poor Leo for the rest of the winter.
My senior staff artists Donny and Mike may be willing to contribute some other logo work in his place, or provide requested updates to this piece if it's accepted (as long as Leo is still credited exactly as he specified above, per the Creative Commons license) - they seemed receptive to the idea at the pizza party I threw for the staff the other night, and are eager to help out if it means Leo's work won't go to waste. He needs his portfolio improved if he's ever going to break out of his shell as an artist, and the other employees are willing to pull together and pitch in to make it happen. My apologies again for the circumstances - let me know what you think.
My project: Bits & Bots
Reading this leaves a weird feeling... Do not now why though.
Hey, speaking of your art interns, how's Vince doing? I heard he hurt his ear a while back.
@BartK: He's doing as well as expected; his ear still gives him trouble now and then, but he finally got his degree. Last I heard he was doing web design work for a camping gear distributor - talented kid. I hated to see him leave at the end of the semester, but I'm proud I could help him fill out his portfolio and land a good job.
My project: Bits & Bots
Cemkalyoncu is probably the most spot on with his comment. These aren't going to be world renown black and white abstracts of the Iffel Tower. Good luck trying to claim ownership of two tone words and shapes.
I'm having quite a lot of fun trying to figure out which posters truly appreciate the nature MoikMellah's contribution.
As Imoen likes to say: "Tis' something most unnatural here, and I want no part of it. " :)
Heard, Vince is doing all that art for free, never saw a penny. Don't let Mike and Donny go down the drain likewise, just because Leo got a splinter when shredding.
Sorry if this sounds off topic, but which halloween costume do you like best?
Wait, don't tell.
Sorry took so long to give a response. I talked to Annick and she suggested a vector image. She also suggested a uniformed style which she went ahead and made for us. However, she did like the logo you presented. Again sorry took so long to respond. I have been interviewing people the last few weeks and finally hired two new artist. Now I have to start interviewing for a IOS developer to convert/port over software to IOS.
"She also suggested a uniformed style which she went ahead and made for us."
Am I to understand, then, that the request has been filled, and that Leo's artwork has been rejected?
As this reflects poorly on are organization, you can rest assured that Leo will receive quite the savage beating (as is standard policy regarding interns who do not live up to their outlined goals). My two biggest pet peeves our failure and cats, neither of which will be tolerated from my employees.. especially failure.
My project: Bits & Bots
This thread is so wrong on many levels