CC0 Scraps
CC0 Scraps
Miscellaneous crude or ancient scraps which are incomplete, rough concepts, abandoned and/or of poor quality and as such don't warrant submission as is.
Posted here on the off chance that someone can extract something of worth from them.
No need for attribution.
All assets here are granted under CC0 1.0 Universal.
If you do make use of some of it would be cool to hear about it, but this is purely optional.
What? A turd's got to eat!
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Hi again Surt, i havent given up on the mech worshop yet, ill just make it on a more smaller scale by myself, your designs will help a lot when i get to it.
Marital aids.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
You the man, Surt. Isometric tiles make me happy.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Very simple HTML5 random "sprite" generator. Can be used for creative stimulus, or to get a rough base to create an actual sprite from. Test - Download
Note: makes use of jscolor which is not CC0, but is included in archive for convenience.
Simple HTML5 image viewer. Download
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Quite interesting concept. I changed the foreground color to be picked from a predefined palette.
* Colors
* You can not pick a custom foreground color.
Surt, may i say how i see the first image as an awesome isometric engineering tps game? A real nice futuristic game with drones and robots and stuff...I think i know what mu next project's gona be :D
Simple tiling-optimizing Z-scaled pixel-isometric tile template.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
I added your generator to my content generator list: :)
The Generator is great , but I just wasted my day making 16x16 sprites !
Added scaler selection and simple seeded PRNG. Checkboxes are a bit iffy at the moment (I hate HTML checkboxes/radios) so you'll have to manually reseed.
EDIT: Got checkboxes working as intended and added a second scaling stage. Different orderings of scalers can produce quite different results.
Random pieces snapped together: RandBots
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
1st column 2nd row: it is an evil frog
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Well done surt, it's got that Starcraft feel to it! <3 Keep up the good work!
Backgrounds (with Inkscape SVG source) and palettes I use in MyPaint.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Does this guy sound familiar to you Surt?
Dug through old, old blends. Some are a bit broken due to partial backwards incompatiblity and all are unfinished due to lazyness.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Some scraps are interessting. But what about the prototypes that they could use it? Have you done some prototypes that used these scraps?
What do you mean by prototypes? These are as prototype as they get.
GraphicsGale brushes and dither patherns: graphicsgalekit.tar.gz
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
That sketchy platformer looks awesome. I wish it was a proper tileset.
Hey! is that octodad?!
Never! Cephalochap is a squid, not an octopus, and a confirmed bachelor.
Iso templates with SVG source: iso_templates.tar.gz
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
I would love to do the 2robots in 3d 11th post I think (with textures-and rigged)
that 9worlds stuff is interesting... the 3d "sprite" texture is done with a shader?
I assume you are not planning to take this further?
HTML canvas parallax example: parallax.html (source package)
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Surt, im wondering, do you have any arts education?
Not unless you consider high school year 10 art class an arts education.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Then you make me really jealous, im currently trying to learn drawing, never had an interest on it until recently, no idea where to start and the like...(the usual); so i know how difficult is to do something like what you post from time to time, and you are even "untrained" in art to boot, Kudos to you.
@Danimal: My opinion is, that an arts education can only show you some tricks others discovered, but how good you can express your ideas comes down to practising. There is no such thing as talent, one can just grow up under circumstances supporting his art skill.
I can't give you any tip where to start before knowing your interests and attitudes. Recognize what you like and mix it with your own view of the world! Good artists copy, great artists steal.
Surt is so good, because he's drawing a lot. And I'm respecting that, too.
Keep it up, Surt! You've sharing really inspiring stuff!
I support the idea of talent. Just not in the way most do. Talent in my mind is the natural ability to design (come up with good ideas). not the technical skill required to draw. you can learn the technical aspects of drawing and even get really good. but without some talent in the realm of design you will never come up with as cool stuff as someone else. Just because you have the skill to draw doesnt mean you can come up with good ideas.
I believe you can work on design theory just like drawing but some people are talented and it comes naturally.
Even in Feng Zhu school he states that getting in has nothing to do with the ability to draw. he says he can teach you that there. you can be accepted with zero drawing skill. they care about your ability to come up with good ideas.
Feng Zhu looks interesting, didn't know of it before!
So basically talent = creativity for you?
For me even creativity is a state of mind. It's openmindedly and actively consuming your enviroment and combining known things into new things. Take a look at that image I made for example:
It's been seen by a lot of people as a very creative idea - it's basically a combination of 2 well-known items - a candle and a snail shell.
Some people may find it easier to come up with ideas than other, but for me that's more a matter of how you experience your childhood, since the earliest experiences are proven to have greatest impact on a human. For me it were people believing in my artistic skills and supporting me, who helped me to become the artist I am. My taste is heavily influenced by my relatives (e.g. we're all are pretty close to nature, which is a central theme in my artwork).
The other thing coming with your opinion is, that people need to be able to distinguish good from bad ideas. That can be trained as well, by taking a look at artwork commonly seen as good. Like an object in nature, there are certain features "good" art does share. Sure, there are different tastes, but you can come up with ideas a certain group of people likes.
Maybe I'm a bit narrow-minded, since I never had an problem with creativity. I'm also unsure how the myth of right- and left-brained plays in here. I would like to hear your opinion.
EDIT: I was browsing trough the Feng Zhu vids, when finding an opinion by a teacher supporting my thoughts:
"[...] We are asked to come up with ideas that never existed before, but the same time the audience, when the audience looks at it, they exactly understand what there are looking at.
[...] You can't do something so different that your audience is gonna be like 'what the heck?' and at the same time you can't do something so generic that the audience is gonna be like 'I've seen that before!' You kinda need to meet that sweet spot right in the middle. [...] Just change [something] slightly so that it's cool, it's new, it's different but you don't confuse anybody."
That is Feng Zhu in the video you linked talking. I find what he has to say interesting.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
this orange guy at the bottem is cool.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
So very nintendo! I love this one, Surt, it is full of nostalgia and pixel goodness.
My partial NESish adaption of my colour reduced adaption of Kenney's pixel adaption of Kenney's vector platformer tiles.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
The bottom set has a similar feel to the art in Star Ocean. It's unusual in a good way, I really like it.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
awesome work! thanks for posting. i always wanted to do an ants game :) now I have to
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Made this model out of one of your weapon sketch. Just for texturing practices. Thanks for the Sketches, I may made more of this.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Dude, you are freaking awesome, seriously...
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
Its been a long time since you posted. I hope everything is well. Im not an expert or anything but your painting skills look like they have been improving. It would be cool to see some more picts to see how far you have come.
just found all of this... You definetly deserve a lot of fame and recognition on OGA.