Would you buy/want this program??

Would you buy/want this program??

Hey any artist out there....would you want to buy a cheap program that allowed you to upload spritehseets into the program, select which colors you want to change and then click 1 button and all those pixels would change accordingly? It's a pixel art color converter.

I'm currently having artwork done for an app that will be released on the Andriod Market, and because my partner and I's resources are limited, to save money we are taking artwork we paid for and changing the colors of the sprites to make more enemies. This is a good amount of work because there are many frames. So I decided to save us time and money, I coded up a program that allows me to read a sprite-sheet and alter each and every color if I wanted by just entering the information in by hand, and then the computer does all the color modification for you, rather then having to do it by hand inside of paint or photo-shop.

My first question is does anyone know if software like this already exists? If so what are some names of programs and would you as an artist think this is a good idea to save time ? Or even as a developer that is looking to trim the edges in spending money and use this program to get more artwork quickly and cheap.

Please let me know what you guys think!