Orc [parts updated]

Orc [parts updated]


I took the orc parts [http://opengameart.org/content/orc-pieces] and updated them a little before doing a simple idle and run animation. 

The animation svg file is layered [it won't display properly in the browser as just one layer is set to visible]. I added a frame layer as well to keep the animation within a box and make the export a little easier. 

The png files are 96x96 and added in two version [with and without an outline]. 

I also added preview swf files [just drag them into a browser to preview].

Orc_parts_updated.svg Orc_parts_updated.svg 129.4 Kb [2424 download(s)]
Orc_parts_ani001.svg Orc_parts_ani001.svg 717.6 Kb [1784 download(s)]
Orc_parts_ani_pngs.zip Orc_parts_ani_pngs.zip 198.7 Kb [3479 download(s)]