Wednesday, September 18, 2013 - 10:35
Art Type:

The 'looped' version should repeat seamlessly with no clicks or errors. If it doesn't, please contact me and I'll see what I can do. The preview is the non-looped version.
ogg versions encoded at q.05 / 160kbps vbr.
Attribution Instructions:
Music by Kistol, but credit is not required.

Nice and catchy melody.
I might be wrong, but if this is recorded on an actual piano it seems to be slightly out of tune.
Kistol, i loved this, can you make more for my game??
Seriously, this music rules!
Thank you for this music!
I credit you and used it in my Android game "Nessie Odysseus", for the "Artic Ocean" level:
Really great music!
I used it in my Android game called 'Puzzle Ball'. It is used on the first world. I credited you in the credits section accesible on the main page.
Really good, thanks for sharing.
Another amazing song Kistol!
Dare I say, it sounds like this song was inspiration for Undertale, considering you uploaded this 2 years (almost to the day!) before Undertale was released. O.O
Gorgeous tune. I'll send you a beta copy of the game I'll make with this!
Thank you all for the kind comments!
Thank you for this lovely loop.It has a sad but also playful mood to it. Really good work! Used it and gave credit:
I'm honoured to have my music featured in your video! You're an incredibly skilled artist!
Thank you very much for your music and this kind comment. I can assure you I am only as good as my inspiration and your music inspired me ;) Let me know if you have a youtube channel. I am thinking of featuring artists whos music I use on my channel page. Might seem somewhat fairer than just the small note in a description. No offence taken if you don't want it, but I felt like offering it.
Thank you! My youtube channel can be found here:, but the note is more than enough, so don't feel obligated to add it. I'm thrilled that you found a use for my music either way.
It is really nothing compared to what work you provide on here. Hope it helps you out in any way. Your channel is already added to my featured musicians section :) also subscribed and activated notifications :)