Breakout set
Breakout set
Thursday, July 18, 2013 - 16:37
Art Type:
I'm having lots of fun with Dawnbringer's 32 colours palette - this time, I made a breakout set, featuring:
- 28 differently coloured bricks
- 14 (2 shapes and 7 different colours) bars
- 7 differently coloured balls
- a bitmap font
- ...and two lovely heart icons :)
I also thought of adding some falling bonuses, but after some unsuccessful trials I gave up.
(note that the background in the preview is not included, for it's a bad copy of the one you can find here)
Slightly inspired by this
EDIT: the file more_breakout_pieces.png, shown in the last preview is the expansion made by Surt
EDIT: the file breakout_custom.png contains the additions made by InanZen
Attribution Instructions:
NOT REQUIRED, though appreciated: credit me as Buch and link back to my OGA profile page

Did a few variations. CC0.
Feel free to add them if you want.
a few
Yeah, just a few. :)
Awesome work, guys :)
@Surt: definitely more than a few! Thank you, added them to the submission and added you as collaborator
I could see these being used to construct platformer levels, too.
Nice work Buch.
Question: How to sumbit the updated version of this, directly to this thread?
EDIT: i've uploaded it to tinypic
i've removed all spacing, rearanged blocks for color + strength, added few more paddle sizes.
Making a multiplayer breakout from this. Thanks for inspiration :)
@InanZen: there's no need to submit it, as it's just a small edit of the original piece. It can be downloaded from your comment (right click and then 'save as...')
It's very nice to hear of people making games with my art, so once you have something to show of your game please post it somewhere!
I'm making an HTML5 breakout game too...
It still has some issues and many things to add, but looks nice to me, and (mostly important) I'm having lots of fun learning javascript
well since one can select "remix" or "update" as a comment type i assumed there should be a file upload field somewhere for those 2 categories
I am going to use some of these for platforms in my platforming game.
Finaly released public version of my multiplayer breakout - Block Buster
You can find the download (and source) here:
Also new updated version of tileset (includes drops/upgrades & a new type of lockable brick)
@InanZen: added your new pieces to the submission (licensed as CC0: if you want a different license, you should make a new submission of those). Thanks! I also tried the game, but there was no server online so I could not try the multiplayer... Now I'm waiting for someone to come home to try the local coop :)
I like the way you use the paddle pieces for buttons
I'd suggest you to stick to one style only with graphics: some UI elements (the cursor, a box and the arrows in the settings screen) seem very out of place... But maybe those were just placeholders
And I noticed that when pressing UP to release the ball, the paddle moves to the right... Is that intentional?
Besides that, well done! It's always nice to see my art in action.
Yes its all CC0.
I guess some graphics elements rly are out of place, i mostly use what i have at hand from before.
Mouse pointer is rly bad i know, i only use it cause i had trouble changing default windows pointer to a hand-style one for higlighting links. It will probably be removed/replaced in next update.
As for the arrow/wsad control scheme: its made so that theres 2 speeds for moving paddle: right/left normal move speed + up/down fast move speed. Hence the paddle moves right when pressing up.
Thank you too for your lovely free art so we developers can make nice games :)
This is awesome! It inspired to finally get started on my breakout project.
Hey Buch!
I'm using this in a project to play around with monogame and maybe I'll use it for a Windows Phone app. Its awesome and I really dig the style. Thanks!
Will make sure to put you in the credits and put some links here when I have something to share!
Buch, i want use it in my small Break Block game and go to Google Play! Can i use you art? Do you know games in Google Play with this art ?
@Demix: sure you can. License states that you can use it however you want, and you're not obliged to credit me for that (though doing that would be very kind of you). I don't know if any google play game uses this art, but I never checked, actually.
Buch, you are good man! Thank you for you work! If I make my project, i write you!:)
Nice !! ;D