Stereotypical 90's space shooter music
Stereotypical 90's space shooter music
Sunday, October 27, 2013 - 09:20
Art Type:

I originally made this for an old project of mine, but now that it has been kinda discontinued, I'll just make the music available here.
Includes sound files (ogg-vorbis) and MIDI-sources.
Converted to sound files via HTSFMS096, soundpack c050.
Package includes:
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
Name me in the credits.
Also, optionally, if it is not too much of a discomfort, inform me on OGA or via e-mail.
Also, optionally, if it is not too much of a discomfort, you may even link back.

I'm using your music in my game
here's the link
btw, I'm using level1 track
Alrighty, do as you please!
I used the level4 track (and your great "Burgers" too) on a small Space Invaders clone avalaible here
I used these sprites
Nice work. :o The beam is totally not OP by the way. ;D
Also, I don't seem to hear burgers in there, but intro.ogg. You might wanna fix that! :D
Thank you, it's updated!
Empty/invalid zip folder. :(
Will reupload without LZMA2 compression.
Hey! I used your "boss" track to my game trailer -
Hello Jan125. I'm using your work, without modifications, in a spaceshooter I'm working on for Android. It's called Horus Starforce and is almost done. Let me know if it's ok. Of course, I will mention you in the credits. Enough said, the music is awesome.
Edit: I'd like to know your real name, so I use it, instead of just Jan125.
Yep, it's okay, and if you could, please link to this page here.
And I'd like to stay known as Jan125. :P
Hi! I used "Boss" and "Level3" in a game I made. Link:
Hey Jan. I just want to let you know that I've released a game that uses this music pack. I have listed you in the credits and posted a link back to your main page, here. You can check my game at:
I need to mention that I had included some tracks from this music pack in a previous game I released a couple of month ago. I also credited you in the credits. Just forgot to post the link here as requested. You can find that game at:
I used death.ogg for the game over screen in Project: Starfighter 1.3:
Awesome! I took the liberty of adding a part-preview of each track! :)
Hello Jan125,
I have used your boss.ogg file in a 2d space shooter game I made in html5 canvas.
I would like to ask you if that's okay? Should I put your name in the game menu somewhere? Just tell me what you want me to do, and I will do it.
Here under is the url to the game, which is called "Lost In Space":
Hello again Jan125,
I have made a new menu point "credits" where I have put up your name Jan125 for the background music in the game.
Here under is the link to the game again if you want to check it out:
If there is something missing, just send a mail and I fix it.
Hi Jan Thanks for making this music available and as requested I'm using Level 3 and Credits in my game.
Hi Jan you can now try my game Meteor Dash here
I've credited you in the Credits section
Hi mate!
I'm starting an youtube animation series in Romania and one of your samples work perfectly. Can I use the 'start' sample for my intro please?
I've released a game Asteroid Space Shooter that uses level5 track.
I have listed you in the credits and posted a link to your main page.
You can check my game at:
Best regards
Your music is amazing!
I'm using it in my game, Moon Defender
Greaet work. I've used some of your stuff for a game I replaced all of the proprietary stuff with.
smb3map1.mid ->replaced with 2.mid
smwfortress.mid-> replaced with 1.mid
exit.wav -> replaced with start.ogg
Hi ! I used your music in my game ! check it out:
Your music is amazing ! thanks
Hello, your music is great, so I use "boss" as BGM for my game promotion.
Thank you.
Sick musics! I use the "boss" one as main music of my game :
Thanks !
Hey Jan125, I would like to inform you that I am using your great asset in one of my yet be released game on Play Store. I will name in the credits inside the game. I will also link back to this page on My game description in Play Store. Great Work.
I am using this music for a game jam, have added you in credits.
Hey there. Thanks for the great music assets! I used them in the following game jam entry:
One Word: Masterpiece.
I have a question, I made an extended version of your soundtrack called "boss" and I wanted to know if you would let me put the soundtrack inside my game that I'm developing, obviously I'll leave you the credits but I just wanted to ask :)