User tagging?

User tagging?

congusbongus's picture

One gripe I have with OGA is that it's very hard, especially for new users, to find the right artwork for their needs.

One solution is to use the tags, but unfortunately the tags are solely chosen by the uploader, who may or may not know the best tags to use. It seems that tags should be driven by the community at large. One possibility is to allow users to choose tags as well.

To give an example (not picking on anyone, just illustrating), here's a piece of music with a (IMHO) poor choice of tags:

It's a techno/industrial music track but the tags don't include this. This means that folks looking for techno/industrial music will have virtually 0 chance of finding this.

Obviously with user-generated tags, it can be open to abuse, but it seems OGA is fairly laid-back in general :) so I think the pros outweigh the cons.