Simple Orange Pixel Art UI
Simple Orange Pixel Art UI
Monday, May 27, 2013 - 20:20
Art Type:
Some simple orange pixel art UI made with GIMP and random effects (cartoon and spread noise mainly). The original image (minus the cursor) is in the XCF file.
You can easily change the color using GIMP's Colorize on the Color, Color #2 and Cursor layers.
Both sets are laid out with the arrows being 22 wide and the center being 44 wide (all are 44 tall) and they are designed so a 32x32 icon can fit in the center:
Left Arrow: 0,0 - 22x44
Center: 22,0 - 44x44
Right Arrow: 66,0 - 22x44
LeftArrow #2: 0,44 - 22x44
Center #2: 22,44 - 44x44
Right Arrow #2: 66,44 - 22x44
The cursor resides at 96,0 - 32x32.

thankyou, i will be using this for a ingame song changer.
Awesome, glad to hear it helped and thank you for letting me know!
I used/modified your UI in my android app:
Thanks for the ul!
Nice little game! I'm glad the art was useful for you and thanks for letting me know!