RPG Town Tileset
RPG Town Tileset
Wednesday, September 3, 2014 - 21:52
Art Type:
32x32 Tiles for classic RPG village or town. To be used freely just give credit :) I am always happy about feedback.

Good stuff. This is very much the kind of style I was looking for for my game.
The grass and dirt looks a bit too bright for the building IMO. What are the grey tiles for?
Would be cool if there was some transition tiles for use with your other RPG tilesets.
Thanks Arcanorum :)
you are right about the ground tiles being slightly too bright, but it should be no problem to change that to your liking.
A quick solution is attached!
The grey tiles are merely placeholders for content you might want to add to this set. I never really finished it.
transistion tiles... hm thanks for the suggestion I could add that :)
By the way I would be interested to hear about your game ;)
Nice Set!
This looks pretty cool.
Reminds me of some GBA games... oh the memories.
Great job, mate.
This looks great! just what I will need soon
These designs bring back such good memories...
Excellent tile sets. I really enjoy the old 64 bit feel. The snow set is superb and I look forward to adding it to my game. I hope you are planning on doing more. You will be able to see how it looks when I add to the game at questofeagles.com. and of course when I add the art credit pages I will provide any links to your work you would like.
Thanks very much for your kind words means a lot to me :)
There will definitly be more rpg tiles in the future. Your MMO seems interesting and fun to play so thanks for the link ;)
Much better than all of those rpg-maker like stuff.