Fantasy RPG Sprite Kit (32x32)
Fantasy RPG Sprite Kit (32x32)
Saturday, January 10, 2015 - 09:52
Art Type:
I started my first dev project almost 10 years ago as a tactical RPG, and I developed this sprite kit to build different characters. I didn't finish the game, nor the sprite set, but I have been browsing OGA recently and wanted to share the work I had created in the hopes of it finding a new life elsewhere (and also preserving it - all the images were on an old burned CD labeled "Transfer" from when I formatted an old PC years ago!).
I designed the sprites tp be easily customizable to fit a variety of needs, and have included an example sheet of characters (including our favorite mascot!) to give an idea of what is possible.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
It is appreciated, though not required, to credit DezrasDragons if you use this content, and link to my OpenGameArt account page (
