Art needed for a small finished project
Art needed for a small finished project
Thursday, January 1, 2015 - 01:19
I just finished Android game that has identical mechanics to this game by Ferry Halim:
Here is an image from my game so far:
All assets that you can see currently except the buttons are copyrighted and are temporary place holders.
and I am not an artist so the game still lacks a a theme and art.
What I need is:
1. New Theme and Background
- Should be something close to Nature, For example, snow in the original game looks relaxing and beautiful. I was thinking of maybe some other season like Spring or Autmn where leaves fall or something like that.
2. A Character
- A different styled bunny could work if you want to stick with the same theme as the game in the link, but if you have a better idea, something that could look sort of cute and could fit with a relaxing music.
- Moving Left animation, Moving right animation, and Jumping animation(similar to the game in the link)
3. Something to jump on depending on the theme
- Just like Bells are in winter, a similar example could be leaves in Autumn. Depends completely on the theme you choose
- Doesn't need to be animated, depending on the theme
I am willing to share profit if someone could help me complete the above requirements. Thanks in advance to all those who considered reading these :)
Are you still looking for art? If so I will continue to refine.
Yes, still looking. That bunny looks awesome :) I hope you keep working on it, you already did a great job with bunny and I would love to see it in my game :)
Then I am your guy. Thanks for the kind words they are much appreciated. Here is a walking animation gif.
Thanks alot for considering this project :)
The walking animation looks nice, could you provide a spritesheet instead of a gif?
I am still working on the art. I know your game is done so I wanted to post an update. Here is some more progress.
Sorry I didn't see your message earlier. I will get you a spritesheet of the walk animation soon.
The walk animation looks like it has junk pixels around the edges. On a colored background that white outline will look terrible. Any way yuu can get the original and remove the background layer first.
Nice art you got there christandasi! ;) Like the style.
2DPIXX - Game Art and Design by Jana Ochse
Thank you! I like the art you have in your games as well.
I wish I had used your forest/trees as a reference. They are well done. I saw two methods that I thought worked well.
Here is a walking spritesheet and a background image. Please let me know if any adjustments are needed.
Remaining assets: idle animation, jumping animation, final background/sky, bells. Is this correct?
Looks great so far! Thanks, I will let you know if it needs any adjustments :)
background2: place behind background1
background3: for use once player has ascended past background 2. Use it repeatedly.
idle: bunny idle animation
Jump Animation, Bell animation, and stars for after bell is hit.
Thanks alot! All of them are beautiful!
I'm happy to help.
Credit me for the artwork: Christian da Silva and link to my website
Let me know if you need anything else.
Sure :) I will be posting the game soon, I will let you know when its up.
Hey, could you do a replacement for snowfalling? like leaves instead of snow?
Here are two leaf spritesheets.
Hi, do you need some music for your game? If you do I could compose something cheerful for you
hey, thank you for your interest, I do need some music. Music needs to be relaxing to suit with the theme. You can listen to original game's music to get the idea. It would be better if it can loop.
you're welcome, sure I can make it loopable. I'll write something up and I'll send it to you later.
I sent you a preview of the music, let me know if the msg reached.
got it, it sounds good so far, looking forward to the final version :)
I've sent you the finished track, did u check it?
Sorry for late reply.
I got the track, its perfect :)
Glad you liked it :)
I'm looking forward to playing your game!