FLARE progress
FLARE progress
Are there any news on FLARE's progress towards version 1.0?
Is there still a lot of stuff missing for release?
And what is missing?
IIRC I saw a checklist somewhere, and all boxes have been checked. So I wonder what prevents version 1.0 from being released.
Sorry for the slow response (I need to check the forums more).
The engine is feature-complete in terms of what we want for 1.0. I've outlined the state of the engine and why we haven't released 1.0 yet here: https://github.com/clintbellanger/flare-engine/issues/869#issuecomment-8...
What's Clint up to these days? He's obviously alive, but I haven't seen him in this neck of the woods for quite a while. I hope it's the good sort of busy, anyway.
Clint's taking a prolonged break from game dev related stuff. So the rest of the team has been tasked with wrapping up engine work and creating the Empyrean campaign.
Thanks for letting me know--I was wondering what was up, but he didn't seem to care to say. I can understand that, a guy's gotta prioritize after all. I definitely haven't been able to do very much game stuff at all in the past several months :(