Germanic Archer
Germanic Archer
Friday, April 3, 2015 - 06:34
Art Type:
These are germanic archer unit graphics which I commissioned from b_o for Wyrmsun, and which he agreed to be released under the GPL 2.0 and CC-BY-SA 3.0 licenses.
This germanic archer is based on archaeological findings from the Nordic Bronze Age.

Nice sheet. With a few sheers, perspective transforms and scaling this can be adapted to isometry.
I really love these characters but I am still not sure if I understand the animation grid, with some having directions having (seemingly?) less frames...
Would you mind posting a key or explanation?
No problem :)
Each column is one direction (north, northeast, east, southeast, south). The first five rows contain frames of the movement animation. Rows 6-11 contain frames of the ranged attack animation. Rows 12-13 have the death animation frames (only southeast and northeast, repeated for the rest of the directions). Rows 14-15 have taunt animation frames, and rows 16-19 contain the frames of the melee attack animation (bronze dagger).
yeah that makes a lot more sense now :-)