Magical Theme
Magical Theme
Tuesday, June 21, 2011 - 18:52
Art Type:

Background music for a most likely magical place, possibly a palace or something similar.

Background music for a most likely magical place, possibly a palace or something similar.
Very nice background music. Well balanced in the mix and very dark to fit a certain theme.
So good. This will be the background music for a nice new dungeon in Flare v0.15.
Very pleasant piece. There's something "retro-gamey" about it.
Pretty awesome track. Could I use this as soundtrack for a piece of coursework for college?
Hi Angryboy,
as long as my name appears somewhere in the credits, feel free to do whatever you want with the track. I d love to see what you made with it though. feel free to send me a link to it :)
The last part is purely optional though. Good luck on your collegework.
Nice !!
Used in Scenario Chess (! Thanks for the music!
Wow BIg thanks