Thursday, August 1, 2013 - 08:10
Art Type:

A light and uplifting electronic track good perhaps for space exploration, incidental music, or a hopeful revelation. It just might also make you feel better.
v1.1 (recommended) - Added more highlights and voices from "Planetrise LEO" per request
LEO is effectively v1.1 without the percussion, for those seeking a more serene balance.
Attribution Instructions:
Please credit me as FoxSynergy. If you don't mind sharing, I'd really love to know about what you're using it in. Most of all, have fun! :)

Someone needed an Ogg Vorbis version for a game they're working on, so I went ahead and added it here.
Hey Awesome track, you got talent! I will prob use this in some future project, will let you know if I do.
Thanks, Icetrance! I'm really glad you like it!
v1.1: Added rhythm synth from a custom version of the track back to the original, making for a more "filled out" sound for those who may enjoy it.
I made a custom remix of this track without percussion for a request. If anyone is interested I'll add it here too.Hi there Fox, I've used a few of your tracks for an upcoming Android/iOS space sandbox game, trailer here:
I love the very cool and uplifting beats you make.
Thank you for your kindness, Silverforce -- I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now! The game looks really cool and I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Planetrise and Soul Star are the two tracks I have in my game, for ambience and traveling mood. I've credited you as FoxSynergy (, would you prefer a real name or is that fine?
ps. If the game ever becomes a success, I am more than happy to send a paypal tip your way. :D
Thanks for asking, Silverforce. FoxSynergy is fine -- I'm not even sure if I have a real name anymore. :)
There's a lot of people's music from which to choose, so I'm honored that I have some tracks to suit your game!
Hello there! Thank you for this awesome tune!
I'll be using this and some other of your music in my space shooter game.
I dont know which other track i'll be using yet, my creativity is low and i can't decide what fits my game the best. As soon as i finish my game (pretty soon) i'll give you a link to it!
And ofcourse you will be credited in-game on its credits menu!
Since it's my first game i release in public and i got now idea on how licenses work, is there something else i must do to ensure i got no problems?
My game is complete (well,if you call a game like this complete) now!
You can see it here
Good day to you, j0hnskot! I'm glad you like Planetrise and I'm looking forward to seeing your project. I work on music because I'm too lazy to dev, so thanks for taking the hard part. :)
As far as crediting, if you'll be so kind as to mention this wherever you list your other credits, that's all I'd ask for except that you enjoy yourself!
I think we must have woken up at the same time. Thanks for the linkage! -- would you mind if I share it around a bit?
Sure, go on!
I'm currently sharing your name in the in-game credits!
I want to mention you on twitter but, heck, i don't even know how to use twitter!
Ah, thanks! I'm a sucker for any shmup where I can buy weapon upgrades! :D
Also glad you like "Overdrive Sex Machine"! Sorry about its silly title. :P
Fox, just released Star Nomad on Android:
Got you in credits. Again, thanks for awesome music!
Looking forward to playing it, Silverforce! Looks like it's much up my alley. I appreciate all your support! ^_^
I love this track :)
I'm using it as an optional track in my game, a simple space avoidance/suvival game.
Many thanks, Cushi Nomad! Your interest and support are indeed appreciated.
Awesome track. I'm making it slightly shorter and mellower as I'm planning to use it in the game over scene of my app. I will definitely add your name and the link to here. I hope it is ok with you :) I'm also planning to incorporate a couple of other great songs you have made, I'll leave the comment on those as well!
It's funny, Streets of Rage was my favourite game (and still is the best game of all time, only the first one though), and your tracks remind me those good times! Many thanks
I'm really glad you like it, seppy2016! You're welcome to arrange it any way that suits you. I did a remix called "Planetrise LEO" which has the high tones introduced with the current version of the main track but doesn't have the drums. If that might be of use to you, I can get it together within the next couple of days (I'm stuck travelling with flaky connections at the moment and don't seem to be able to reach my files at home).
The Bare Knuckle / Streets of Rage series has long been one of my favorites and I love Yuzo Koshiro's game music. It's in no small way one of the motivators for me to start doing this stuff and to be put into the same sentence makes me really happy -- I'm glad if I'm even able to get a little bit of that feeling. "To The Streets" was intentionally done for a side-on fighter in case you might enjoy that one.
Drifting off-topic for a moment, Bomber Games did an exceedingly excellent game a couple of years back as Bare Knuckle Remake (or Streets of Rage Remake depending on your settings) which includes content from all three main games, original stages, original characters, and both new music and great remixes of music from Koshiro and his associates. I can't recommend it highly enough.
Thanks so much for your encouragement! I'll definitely keep doing this as long as I'm able to. You just keep doing the game development, because that's the really tough part! :)
Hi FoxSynergy, thanks a lot for your encouragement. I'll make sure I check that game out. It sounds super awesome, and will fill my underground, bedtime, morning free times much more action packed.
I would be grateful if you could send me the music. But don't worry, do it when you're back and free. I know how it is when travelling and even more so when you go in and out of good internet zone. I used to travel around the country and working on anything was a pain.
I'll keep you updated with the progress, and definitely with the link to the game. You have given me an immense boost of motivation, and I'm glad you feel the same too. Have a great day and keep me posted.
In case you have an idea for a game, and want to collaborate to make it, I'd be glad to do it. I like the code, and more coding is like a nice cake for me:):):)
Good day to you, seppy2016. I uploaded the WAV version of Planetrise LEO, and if you'd like it in another format feel free to either convert it or let me know and I'll gladly do so. Hope you have a great one! ^_^
Hey FoxSynergy,
Sorry I've been running around and sorting the game out. But it's done. I hope you like it, and please let me know any comments or feedback, even if they're painful! :)
Awesome! I'll check it out. Thanks for the efforts my friend. I've been playing the Planetrise on my iPod, it's so cool and easy to listen.
The name of the app is Monsquare (Monster Square) and here's the link:
Thanks for the amazing work you do and for making it available to me.
If you ever want to collaborate in an app, or if you need any help with coding, Let me know! I'll be glad to help.
Thanks for sharing!
I'd use this in my commercial J-RPG. BUT it needs more of a steady drumline - MORE steady BOOM.
see our game here
Hi there! I've used your music in one of my videos on YouTube I gave you the credits in the details of the video and added a link to this page. Thank you so much.