Programmer NPC
Programmer NPC
Saturday, April 16, 2011 - 02:04
Art Type:
Here's me as an NPC for Flare. For the weekly challenge Get In The Game!
It's me just standing with my laptop. Lightly animated (swaying slightly, moving my arm as if typing, and the laptop screen gives a slight flickering glow).
Created in Blender, based mostly on my existing works and ... See the attached .zip for the Blend (rigged, solid colors instead of textures, not UV mapped).

lol With your laptop even!? That is freaking awesome! :)
wow! this is epic!..
Very nice !!! You will be my trader ! :)
I saw your photo on the facebook's opengameart group page and I'm really impressed with the result. You are really in the game now !
I don't know, it looks more like a technobard trying to start a MIDI file than a programmer....
hahaha, Is that the "Hexagon" company for the laptop?