Random Plot Generation

Random Plot Generation

pennomi's picture

I've been interested in some form of random plot generation for a (roguelike) game I've been envisioning. Note I'm not talking about dialogue and such, because random dialogue seems a bit out of reach at the moment, but more the overall story and setting.

Most of my plotting for stories follows pretty strictly the structure found here: http://timstout.wordpress.com/story-structure/blake-snyders-beat-sheet/ and here: http://lizwritesbooks.com/savethecat/

I wonder if video games are inherently different than other stories because they accept the player's opinions and choices as the story is being told. Lots of elements differ in video games than, say, movies. For instance, obviously a "collect 20 wolf pelts" quest would be boring in a movie, but it seems common in video games. (As an aside, `collect {n} {object}` quests are obviously *easy* to generate, but I hate them so, so much.)

What do you think? Do/should video games follow a structure like the "save the cat" beats? What major "beats" should I try to include to make a solid, interesting, (and probably simple) plot?