Kha-lhen Supremacy alpha stage
Kha-lhen Supremacy alpha stage
Wednesday, December 21, 2016 - 18:00
Hello, i'm building a 3d rpg browser based. Would like your feedback and if someone of you want to collaborate is welcome (3d art is needed in fbx).
The dungeon entrance is in the church in the upper left corner of the village.
Nice. Has some potential. Good start.
I'm assuming combat damage isn't implemented yet? I seem to be immune to all damage and can't make a dent in the enemies either. Result: hoard of mutually impotent monsters following me around the dungeon as I open treasure chests. :)
movement seems pretty slow. I didn't know where "upper left corner" was on a 3D village, but I seemed to find the dungeon by accident, so that worked out. :)
--Medicine Storm
Sorry there was a bug due to the new variable for the abilities i have fixed it
...if you hold ctrl when you click around you can run :)
Deployed version 0.0.15 added skeleton archer enemy, fixed some bug,
Im curious, i can see many 3d models from Megaglest, where are the others from?
Some from the web some self made, some model will be changed before reach the final version but for development purposes they are good enough. Also some animations will be changed and others added. Now working on dialogues...with npcs.
Hello again, Version 0.0.16 deployed, added guilds and new abilities.
Deployed version 0.0.17, now is possible to restart in town after death (cost 200 crowns and need some test), Added small shield model. Music now change when enter the dungeon, fixed enemy quest invulnerabilty. Give me critics and feedback.
hello Ayrin, its a good start, however i would like to give you a tip. your camera is rather annoying it does not behave like i would expect. maybe it would be a good idea to see if you can imitate other rpg cameras that will make if consistent with others.
the thing i hate most is if you click on the opeiste side of the character the camera wil instantly move 180 degrees to try and stay behind the character, it got annoying very quickly.
Hello PreciousRoy i see so you would prefer a camera that stay fixed when the player move around like in the diablo serie. that will pose a problem in the dungeon i will need to make the wall transparent when player approach coz part of the floor will be not visible. Will study about that coz don't know how to make it :D
Hi Ayrin, i feel like making some low poly characters, could you point me to where you got the sources of Megaglest ones? I want to study them, they have some pretty clean topology and nice details for their low polys; and somehow i cant find them anywhere.
Edit: silly me, found them by chance
Hello Danimal, megaglest ones are fine for some purpose as medieval characters like mines, if you need different ones you can use makehuman that's free and you can import them in blender if you use it. The only thing of makehuman that i don't like are dresses coz the most are hi-poly. I was actually thinking of change the head to glest ones to make it more appealing. By the way, i need female characters for my game if you feel like it i could send to you the males ones (human, elf, dwarf, halforc) and you can work on them. Let me know. (I tried but for some reason they seems totally ugly lol.
Okay, ill give them a look, but i cant promise anything about when they will be done and i would like them to be released in OGA, is that fine with you?
I so, this is my mail:
Yes is fine...since the models aren't made by me and just borrowed them. Will send them to you by mail, do you have preferences about the format?
Blender please; Are those models from safe to work with licences? Stolen content is a "no go" here at OGA
lol no you can download them for free around the web also if i think that now they are not rigged, when i downloaded them there was also a rigged version downloadable, and anyway i also got a couple of models not rigged and i rigged them with mixamo and got them animated, i don't know if 3ds export them in blender any other format? fbx? obj?
obj is also good, but the animation will be lost
Version 0.0.19 deployed
Added locked doors, key, hunger and thirst bars now works, but you don't receive damages if they drop to zero yet. Waterskin and more food added too. Not yet implemented the search function will be done lately. When you approach a closed door or a fountain an icon to drink or open the door will be displayed. Comments are welcome.
Update: added sleep function if u have a rug in your inventory, that way u recover health, to sleep outdoor is needed also a tinderbox to light a fire. Enjoy!
Version 0.0.21 deployed, changed player stats, added some ability, changed the combat mechanics (need some adjustment), added crafting system (just the basic). Let me know what you think. Enjoy!
This is really cool! I like the map. Not sure if it's just my computer but the character walks very slowly.
Also, I tried to click on the red bottle beside the archery shop and my player disappeared. I could still change views using 890 but could walk around or see the character. I screenshot the console log if that helps...
Keep up the good work though! I like where this is going.
screenshot.png 1.5 Mb [0 download(s)]
Thanks, the player disappearance is indeed strange never happened to me, can you try again and see if it happens again or if it was just a temporary thing...sometime some strange behavors may happen due to loading issues.
Version 0.0.22 deployed, you can choose the race of player and the class (thief, cleric and wizard not yet working properly).
Hello again, here is a video of the game
I have added some weapon.
All classes now works, thief, cleric of Shanea and Wizard of earth. Let me know of you think.
Hello, added more cameras to make it simpler to control the player (V key), added advanced character creation where you can assign values to abilities, added a new enemy. Is now possible to save the game (O key) and load it from the character creation screen.
The inn shop has now a new design
inn3.png 335.7 Kb [0 download(s)]
Wizard now sell the Rune of recall that can bring the player back to the village (rune image from OGA)
Hello everybody, resumed the development, v.0.0.41 is out. Working on ranger ability follow tracks. In the next releases will add more quests and hints.