OGA Game Jam - Results!
OGA Game Jam - Results!
Here are the results of the OpenGameArt Game Jam!
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that participated in this event and taking the time to create some great looking and sounding games with the assets here on OGA!. This was the first jam I have hosted, and jam i have took part in, so thank you all for your help and making it a pleasure to do. I hope you all were happy with how it was put together. :)
Congratulations to all:
#1 = Red Voxel "Arrows of Love" https://red-voxel.itch.io/arrows-of-love
#2 = VinnNo "WitchyBizness" https://vinnno.itch.io/witchybizness
#3 = SparedRay "OnionMan" https://sparedray.itch.io/onionman
#4 = CodeChomper "OGA Jam Science Platformer" https://codechomper.itch.io/cga-jam-science-platformer
#5 = Phantum66 "The Deciding Factor" https://phantum66.itch.io/the-deciding-factor
#6 = Chasersgaming "Never a Doll day" yay! :) https://chasersgaming.itch.io/never-a-doll-day-
#7 = djbigworm "Marty McFlea Back to the Present" https://djbigworm.itch.io/marty-mcflea-back-to-the-present
#8 = MedicineStorm "Celestite" https://medicinestorm.itch.io/celestite
#9 = Stackboot "TailGunner" https://stackboot.itch.io/tailgunner
#10 = Cem Kalyoncu "Robmun" https://cemkalyoncu.itch.io/robmun
#11 = withthelovestudios "Instant Pixel Palette Scramble" https://capbros.itch.io/instant-pixel-palette-scramble
#12 = Stynn[o333] "Agrief: Forgotten Lands" https://styno333.itch.io/agrief
#13 = The GamerX "Knight Warrior VS Zombies" https://thegamerx.itch.io/opengame
#14 = Malik "Fate Saga" https://outentiq.itch.io/fatesagarpg1
#15 = xmzhang "Duckshooting" https://xmzhang.itch.io/duckshooting
#16 = Planet Killer "Simulacra" https://planetkiller.itch.io/simulacra
#17 = jnmaloney "Gamedev Dungeon" https://jnmaloney.itch.io/gamedev-dungeon
The results page can be found here with all the info:
thank you to Jupitor Hadley who did a video on his YouTube channel covering the games on the jam.
Well done everyone! your all winners! :)
Yay! Congrats to Red Voxel! That was well earned! Arrows of Love really had it all, a great concept and solid execution!
And congrats to everyone else, you guys really did a great job showcasing all the different things that can be done with all the wonderful art up here on OpenGameArt!
Finally, I'm not sure on the ettiquite around such things, but I just wanted to toss out MedicineStorm's "Celestite" as my personal favorite from the competition. Really cool idea, would love to see it developed further! There's something very satisfying about working out the right path for those cosmic lasers!
I have never been a part of a game jam before or really made anything that was sent out of my house. That was a lot of stress/fun and i'm pretty shocked that I got 2nd place, I'm flattered! Thanks for throwing this knifty event! There are a few games submitted that could be easily carried out to awesome, full length games.
@VinnNo.0: Wow! That's pretty amazing to hear as not only was 'WitchyBizness' one of my favorites from the jam, I also thought it was among the most polished entries. It certainly had more shine to it than my effort! Really liked how the opening menu was 'playable', very nice touch! Great job especially for a first ever public showing, keep at it, I think you've got touch! :)
@VennNo: yeah, I agree with capbros; witchybizness was solid stuff. What engine/language/framework did you use, if I may ask?
@capbros: hey, thanks! I was a bit overly ambitious with the features I wanted to add in the time alloted, but your encouragement is good to hear. I think I will continue developing it and really buff all the jagged corners to a polish.
I really did enjoy a bunch of these games. Just as a passing comment, I was impressed with phantom66's Deciding Factor and the enemy AI. I was intimidated by how inadequate my own AI coding has been by comparison, until phantom tells me it was pre-captured human ghosts that match your skill level as you increase in rank... That is so freaking clever! @Phantom if you don't mind I'm stealing that idea for some of my future projects. :)
--Medicine Storm
I was so pleased with all the entry's, and it's great to hear that some of you are going to continue developing them. I think we and can all take something from this jam, I know I learnt a bit about myself.:) and hopefully OGA will gain something from it too.
I would like to ask if anyone has any feedback on the jams set up? How was it for you?
@capbros there's nothing wrong with having a favourite, I'm sure we all had one, I was torn between a few, but I think witchybizness would be my choice, :) I was charmed by its visuals and it played well, and the soundtrack was awesome and to hear that it was VinnNo first jam and felt that this OGA jam would be good place to start 'sending' a game out of the house is a positive thing and tells me that I did something right on the jam. Also with the fav thing in mind, I will add a 'OGA players choice award' or something like that on the next jam. I'm looking forward to your pixel palette tools development. :)
@vinnNo why did you choose the OGA jam by the way? Rage quit, was genius.:)
@medicinestorm phantum66 deciding factors AI was clever, that were a lot of different things from each game that had something about them, seeing others ideas and how they used the art challenges and themes was cool too. Your game was really refreshing to play, was nice to see someone step out of the box and come away from a platformer, runner or rpg and do something different, my hat goes off to you. I'm pleased to hear your going to continue with it and look forward to playing it! :)
how many of you looked for assets on OGA and couldn't find what you were looking for? Maybe it's not here, It's a great opportunity to let the OGA community know, so the artists can create and make them available, and who knows may inspire other great assets that are related on the way!
any other feedback then please post here, I don't want to open another thread :)
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |
Wow, lots of amazing games, I'll find time to play all of them. haha
Congratulations to all the participants. :D
Edit: and I'll take note and post some feedback here, after I play.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the kind words. After a break, I fully intend on doing more with the project. If I had second thoughts about it before, they're dead now :D
@Medicine: It's just GameMaker Studio. I wrote the scripts in c# and by-passed a lot of built-in functions, but it's still laced with gml.
@Chasers: I'm a bit of an internet recluse, in that I haven't had any form of social media since myspace was the cool thing, so until recently, I didn't even know game jams were a thing. My favorite game on android is Persist, which I found out was a game jam entry, made in 48 hours. Shortly after that find, Medicine had the OGA jam posted on the front page and I just kinda went with the flow lol
I think it was put together very well. Itch (another new discovery) seems to be very organized and took out any confusion from the whole thing. I mean, it even had that intimidating clock, counting down the seconds... Which often felt like "Do I cut the red or blue wire?!", but at least I knew exactly how much time I had!
For me, it wasn't a matter of looking for assets and not being able to find them as much as it was "Oh, that's perfect for this!... But then there's that, which would be great too." I mean, narrowing down what I would have time to implement was far more challeneging than finding things. The only thing I felt I couldn't find was a boss-like monster that'd themeatically fit into my game, but I found a filler on itch(though I didn't have time to make the area or areas that linked to it).
The Boss in debug mode, an asset found on Itch by Warren Clark
@vinnNo Bloody hell MySpace, I remember when i had one of those, i wonder if i still have it? to scared to look :), im not a great social media user, i have an afliction with it, especial Facebook, dont mind instagram and twitter thou, my wife says i should use facebook more, but the thought makes me cringe! like someone srapping there finger nails down a blackboard, arrrrrrgh. but in this day and age you kind of have to i suppose. :)
There are alot of assets on here to go through, which can take time. with this jam I annouced the jam a week early so everyone had time to look for stuff they might need, perhaps il annocuce it 2 weeks early this time, if assets cant be found then maybe there will be time to reach out to the community and ask someone to help. Planning the games for the jam is fine, getting you stuff together ready to code for the jam is a good thing. Ready, steady, Go make the game. :)
using other assets is completly fine, i think i needed to make that more clearer on the jam, and perhaps catergorising the OGA assets made it a little confusing, next time use any from OGA? no one from this and one from that? is a minuim of 6 not enough?
Chasersgaming | Support | Monstropolis |