Can't Remove Node from Collection
Can't Remove Node from Collection
I'm trying to remove the node 69391, which doesn't exist anymore, from my collection. But so far have been unable to do so.
-- Edit --
Same thing seems to be happening with node 73126 in this collection.
--Medicine Storm
Yes, all seems to be working now. Thank you again MedicineStorm.
Those collections may continue to experience this issue because submissions with licensing issues continue to be added to them. Licensing issues are periodically removed from the archive when it is determined no legal solution will be forthcoming. This results in your collections containing references to removed content. I recommend avoiding the addition of assets marked with a licensing issue. When I can, I'll pre-emptively remove references in your collections before unpublishing the asset.
--Medicine Storm
Re-opening & un-marking as Solved. I can't rename my collection because I can't remove the node 50706.
You might want to leave it as unsolved. As I said above "Those collections may continue to experience this issue..."
Try it now.
--Medicine Storm
in the past hitting edit and deleting the text for the missing entry and saving worked for me.
Thank you MedicineStorm, it is working now.
@mold: It usually works for me. But sometimes there is an entry that won't delete. For example, in that particular list, there were three items from which I had to remove them by deleting the text. However, one of them (50706), would re-appear after hitting the save button.
Edit: It would be helpful if I could decide on a name & be satisfied with it. ;)