Request "Town Tiles, Character and Monster Sprites "
Request "Town Tiles, Character and Monster Sprites "
GAME TITLE: World Transversed & Beyond
(TEST Map):
Map Test was made to test our grass and random build place ments and other objects.
My Data: im a programmer, graphics artist mostly gui interfaces and backgrounds,
im also a project manger, host for all of games data and person make up all the ideas
thats about it.
Game Decription: the online game the world, has many untold stories ..maybe you were one
of them or maybe not. in the immersed and easy to use online systems and chating, questing with
friends from all over the world. Hundreds to thousands of fully detailed ares to explore beyond the normal.
i have a few requests. :) first is 5 tile sets(iso formated) each set is to make a town.
5 Major citys(what i need custom tiles for XD):
α(Alpha) Basi Fa- Trade route below the sky cities. Small in cover
of mountain are thats opens into a inter connected mountains slinked with
rope bridges with small shops on each of the chilfs moving up to the top.
β(Beta) Kaltra – city Lined waterfalls. a beutyful sand stone build city, very large with
many types ofbuildings (2 story buildings) all on a fake island ground like in mexicos aztec city.
all different diretions that are byond your hearts eyes water falls... the water(animated water tiles
and water falls) is moving and colors of blue ish green light up the world., citys streets are of old decaying brick. and grass.
also there is a a port asnd docks to the south.
Φ(phi) – faltra village- light village of the north. a city of crystal in a cave, there a 2 froze water falls, 1 falls down
to the SW direction oth is falling down from lain north. cith has huts like old island style, but made with some furs. makes
these in East , north ,SE , SW directions (the door ways is facing the directions.mostly rest is a Crystal cave that opens to
a Sliver watered Small lake with a stone island in its center.
ψ(PSI)- bysu mardu- tree top city to the west of the cultural city. this city is a interr connecte tree top city.
where e3ach house/shop is attached around a tree and there are bridges made of white rope steal curves and wooden planks.
make it like a evlish a little bit but not much.
Ж(Zhe)- fail nule – wester city of the Azure seas, this city is made of 4 islands each island has 4 shops/houses
and 1 of the has a volcano on its on that island that a path up to it to a giant arch of stone (not fancey) middle of the arch
on top there a red gem. next map to that is a lava lake with ice island on it has a white grass over growth. the houses are made
of old sode and thatching.
next is character spriting. need body type(male and female) like Wonderland online but in less detail and some basic armor(not attached to them, for both male and female) and basic hair(male and female).
Wonderland online has right body sizes and shape but thay need tobe redone and more meat to the bones XDjust a bit, and new eye kinds (jpanese anime eyes 4 types of eyes and 6 colors for each eye not attached to the body.) there should be at lest 3 kinds of hair for a male and female that would fit the character body and look nice. next is make a basic armor for both male and female characters.
next make a male and female Beast body a ginger cats head will work nice base but make the color scheme differen and they have a bit of claws to them and a tail.
make a cap and a hood for the beasts , the hood wiil let ears of the beast male or female pop out .
2 different shoes. thats all for that. all chars only go north south east west. also they need to have walking motionand a second walking motion with arm extended to side and out wand in each direction for each character style.
lastly a monster sprite big in side probly stands a bit taller then the character. its the big rabit/squirl . the look of it is from the image here:
please dont put on the saddle just the monster by its self. it only moves north south east west.
oks i know its alot.. and i need decribe more. but this is all i really need.:[ please help me please.
Are these actual areas from .hack// or is this a new world you've created?
>Game Idea BASE: my orginal idea was based off .hack// , i have seen many ppl try to make mmos of it. and majorly fail. and i know why,
Peoply try to make an MMO out of anything and always fail. Making an MMO is an hugely underestaminated task.
yes i understand that XD. and im not making a large scale just a small open free to play game. i just wanna make people have fun. :D thanks for your input but please only comment help. @.@ its not a project page but requests.
You will likely not get any help with graphics until you have a working demo. Use self-made placeholders in place of the assets that you wish someone else to replace in future.
I agree with Anonymous, creating art can take quite some time (even the things you mention can take up a lot of time) and if there is no guarentee that your project will get somewhere or artists get something in return (read: paid commission) it will be quite difficult to get someone to help you.
On the other hand, OGA has a huge amount of art that can be used as placeholder art. Even joining other projects and implementing your ideas in there might be a better thing then to start from scratch.
And last, you only tell what you want others to do, not what YOU do within the project. Don't say that you will be the project leader managing everything and everyone, because I've seen a lot of projects going nowhere that were started by such people.
;) i forgotten to add my test map. and i have done alot of work.. this project strechs back for 3yrs in plamning. it will get off the ground thats for sure . :$
And to answer first question. i created those areas my self.`which are made just by me.
all locations will noty be ones featured in the CC2's .hack games. games are boring when over used
:) ill probly add more test image as i go along. b/c i do got alot
still no one wants to help me @.@.....
You still haven't posted a working demo
maybe ur blind? X.X i posted a screenshot of it >| and server is always being worked on only thing i can show u is just a test client that just for testing if the tiles display correctly. >.> i did show u a test map, which is a workng demo, >.> but if u want more ill post a video using same map i posted...
edited your links to work ;)
@ "maybe ur blind?"
thank you for your concern; I am not blind. A screenshot or a video is not what would be called "a working demo".
@ "only thing i can show u is just a test client that just for testing if the tiles display correctly. >.>" :
If you haven't completed anything else on the project other than the tile renderer, then what you have right now, is a tile renderer - and if a person decided to contribute assets to you, he would be contributing his assets to a tile renderer, not a game! Do complete enough of your project that it would be a loosely functional game and post links to a client in which a contributor can easily play it; if you do that:
1) it will be a testament to that you have the ability required to build a good game, and so your project has a future
2) it will be a testament to that you have the persistence required to build a good game, and so your project has a future
3) it will provide context for a contributor to see how exactly his assets would be used
all of which will make it much likelier that someone will be interested in contributing to your game for free. Until you have a working demo, a potential contributor would have to rely on all 3 points only on your words, and no matter the choice of words, that is not remotely enough.
sir... a video of a working scene is a demo. since! the major engine is not open to public yet, then showing what i can is all i can do. >.> i am doing alot of the graphics my self and i ask for last few pices and i get ur mouth.
Kurt thank you for fixing my links. :) you at lest are being nice and helpful.
some projects will not relese a demo since its not a rpg or console game. i could give u a client that would not work untill the server is finished. a video is what i can give you.>.>.
now be a good boy and dont spam if you wont help then dont comment. like anyone else with any mannors.
Darky, you aren't doing yourself any favors by responding that way. I am well within your target audience, in that I'm a professional pixel artist who enjoys making free contributions to promising projects. Unfortunately, whether I choose to work on a project or not depends largely on my first impressions, and so far they have not been terribly positive.
The very first impression, your topic post, was hard to get into. It's just too long and disorganized for me to follow easily, and the broken links didn't help. It's pretty important to preview a post like that before putting it up to make sure that it's well formatted and error free. After all, that post is usually all you have to give a potential artist an idea of what you're really setting out to do (important) and to establish a sense of directed professionalism (most important). Despite the issues with the post, I was willing to follow the thread further and see if my first instinct was wrong, but I haven't seen much to dissuade me. You haven't been professional or even terribly courteous towards our anonymous poster's pointed but relevent criticisms. No offense, but that isn't the sort of thing I'd want to deal with over the long haul of an ambitious project like this.
I want you to understand, I'm not saying this to berate or attack you. I know you didn't set out to make a bad impression, but if you're going to ever attract some serious artists to your project you really need to keep these things in mind. Anyway, good luck with your project.
Hehe , well i normaly am never liked. i am sorry if i offended you or anyone. but some thing are possable some arnt. and i did try to be as nice as i could. :) im just once tracked guy and i really wan get it completed. :[ not trying tobe cruel but no matter what i say or how i word anything will make anyone wanna help me.