Classic Hero
Classic Hero
Wednesday, February 18, 2015 - 17:17
Art Type:
Old version of my personal pixel hero, Mr. Man! He stands, runs, jumps, lands, kicks, punches, swims, and even comes with a parachute for safe landings!

Nice! Reminds me of Mario or Kirby :D
Okay...You have had me favoirte you twice...Your a Wizard arent you (I love this so much!!!!)
Thanks! I grew up with Mario and Kirby, so their style heavily influences my designs.
This is really awsome. I did an edit of your sprite and turn it into a Knight. Check it out.
I don't suppose you could do some sprites of him walking up and down? Like how in the overhead Legend of Zelda games.
Anyway, thanks for making this public domain. I'm going to use it in a small game I'm making.
lol, Mr Man? Are you a Stephen King fan?
Nice style for this one :)
Is it possible to draw some ladders and add a climb lader animation to the character? Keep up the awesome work!
Awesome stuff, is it possible to do in the same style other backgrounds and items the player can interact with?
You are the best!
@grafxkid: when this spritesheet was made, were there any other assets used as a guide to create it?
Not really. I based these ones of an earlier version of Mr. Man from 2013.
Ok. Was the earlier version based on anything? What was the base used?
I need to know in order to clear up licensing concerns. Was the original art "Mr. Man" derived from any other sprites?
He's based off my first mockup from 2012.
I still have old copies from back in the day, too.
Thanks, but I kinda got that from your earlier response. Unfortunately it still doesn't address the concern; what was your earliest version based off of?
Oooh I saw those Goku sprites on Spriters Resource recently! They probably based Goku off my sprites, as this game just popped up recently, and Mr. Man was uploaded 4 years ago.
Are you tryin' to say that I copied and pasted my work? Because I am the original designer of these base sprites.
Mr. Man is public domain, so crediting is optional, hence why my name doesn't appear anywhere on their sheet.
I looked up dragon ball z discovery fangame and the first and second links to the same person; and they just started posting these works 2 months ago.
I don't know why this needs to be brought up. I see a lot of mobile games on the play store using my assets.
Yep. that makes sense. I just wanted to verify that was the case and not that both sets were inspired by a 3rd party asset. ;)
Nah! it was pretty clear from the differences this was never a copy and paste (either from your work or their work) Plus your stuff has always been your own. I have to double check everything though. If I actually thought this might turn out to be you deriving stuff from someone else and not the other way around, I would have put a licensing flag on this right away. I was pretty confident this wasn't the case though, so I never put I licensing flag on it at all.
Only because the timeline was unclear to me on this one. I wasn't sure where the dragonball z discovery sprites came from or when (commerical game? fan game? fan game that ripped sprites from a commercial game?) Usually I can find out what order of operations happen with a fan game project, but I wasn't coming up with very good information on DBZ-discovery. I bring up everything that could be a problem, just to make sure it isn't one. :)
Good news is both sets of assets are copyright sound! bad news is, their set of DBZ sprites is not trademark sound. Oh well. I hope they don't get in trouble for that. Looks like a passionate project.
Sorry if this came off as insulting. That was the opposite of my intent. I just had to verify the information from your side.
Ahh glad it was all cleared up. I was just confused.
Love these images ... they lend themselves well as templates. I've got a use for them, as this game design thing is just a hobby at this stage. I love the fact that this figure is equipped with combat animations. Those punch animations can be used for more than just punches. One could easily paste in a weapon to give the character even more versatility. Thanks, those sprites are really nice even without changing them.
I've made a short game using this:
Really nice man, I thinking use in my game. Can I give credit ?
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