I want my data to be deleted
I want my data to be deleted
I recently requested the deletion of my account https://opengameart.org/users/duion AND all data associated with it, as it is my legal right to do so, but nobody responded to me except https://opengameart.org/users/medicinestorm who instantly deleted my account without deleting any of my data.
She then said I would have had to request my content to be deleted, which is not possible anymore, since my account was banned, for manually editing my contributions, which is my right, since they are mine.
Then she blackmailed me that I would have to list every item that I want to have deleted individually and then wait for her "review" and "deletion" of it and only then I was allowed to post another link. I kept up with it, but soon got bored and posted the full list, since I had a long list of items to delete, then she refused to do anything for me anymore and essentially steal my content and my data.
According to your own websites rules I have the right to have contributions that someone else uploaded against my will to be taken down: https://opengameart.org/content/faq
This is what happened as an admin banned me and stole my account to put up my contributions again.
So far only my account was deleted and none of my contributions and not even my comments were deleted nor anonymized.
So I now request all my data on this website to be deleted as it is my right to do so. Stop being thieves and if you want to steal my content at least have the balls to do it yourself under your own name, don't steal my account, manipulate it and make it look like I would approve it to be here.
Sorry to hear about your troubles, Duion.
It would be interesting to hear the "officials", to get a better picture what is going on on OGA.
Can you share the reason you wanted your data to be deleted?
I was banned 3 times for saying things the admins did not like and they threatened to permanentely delete me and so I decided to leave by myself and as there is no way to delete your account or your data, I just edited my contributions to singalize that I don't approve it to be here and now they continue to mess with me and therefore I now want everything to be deleted since I no longer want to be associated with anything anymore.
I don't have to justify myself, my contributions are mine and I have the right to with them what I want, I even have the legal right to that, so there is no debate.
Oh, don't leave out the details :) tell the whole story:
Your duion account has been deleted. There are no contributions associted with you or your account. There may be derivatives uploaded by other users where you are mentioned as attribution. I cannot remove those unless there is a licensing conflict. Did you want to dispute the license or request takedown of any derivatives of your work?
We always take down art if the author requests it, even if the law doesn't obligate us to do so. See https://opengameart.org/content/faq#q-takedown
I don't know the circumstance of the disabling of your account this time (I re-enabled your account several weeks ago and have not seen you post since) but I assume one of the other admins had reason for it. I'm sorry to see you go and I'm sorry you never took me up on my offer to hear you out via PM.
I'm sure it's too late now, but for future reference, contributions can be taken down by clicking the "request deletion" button on the submission in quesiton. This will immediately remove the submission from the site, although you will still be able to view it from your own account. (it will have a black background instead of blue, and this is not the case with your "duion" submissions since the "duion" account has been deleted, not just blocked.)
As for account deletion, I don't know why there isn't a better option for requesting account removal. I'm sure we'll address that in OGA3. Other users have also had trouble with that as discussed here: https://opengameart.org/forumtopic/request-for-account-removal
and, as I said in that thread, I'll be happy to remove accounts upon request, just PM me. (Although I guess you were re-banned at the time and couldn't PM me?)
Did you want the duion2 account deleted as well?
Duion2 Apr 1 The "request deletion" button does not exist anymore and I will keep the duion2 for a while to communicate.
The request deletion buttion is definitely still present. I even verified it from a non-admin account.
I'll leave your duion2 account then.
Just FYI, I may only be leaving the duion2 account temporarily. I need to talk to the other admins about the purpose behind the most recent ban. If the ban was perminant, creating a secondary account doesn't innoculate you from the ban.
Duion2 Apr 1
No does not look like this for me: https://duion.com/files/temp/doesnotexist.jpg
Someone is messing with me, which is the reason I don't want to be here anymore, I did not start the trouble.
Duion, I respectfully disagree. I didn't ban you this time, but the reasons I banned you in the past was for starting trouble.
You were not banned because we wanted to censor you (your comments were left up at the time. If we wanted to censor you, why wouldn't we just delete your comments?)
You were not banned because you were spreading the truth and we didin't want to hear it.
You were banned because you were insulting, unconstructive, and starting trouble. You can believe you're the victim of abusive admins if you like, but ask anyone who's actually read the stuff you say to people and you'll be the only one on the planet who thinks that.
Duion2 Apr 1
Of course you censored me, you banned me, so I could not respond. You did not read what I would have answered, since I could not answer, but I would have answered it if I could. "unconstructive", "negative" etc are all subjective and when questioned you ban me for questioning it, so I'm fed up with this bullshit.
And now you are messing with me, by stealing the request deletion button from me.
Now is your chance to respond. Tell me what you would have answered. You COULD have answered as soon as your temp-ban expired, but you didn't say anything new. I won't be giving you a place to shout insults at everyone, but you can tell me here. I'm listening.
As for the request deletion button, no one is stealing buttons from you. Please reread what I wrote above: "I'm sure it's too late now, but for future reference...". You don't have a request deletion button on your duion2 account because your duion2 account hasn't submitted anything. Are you assuming you would see a delete button on every submission on the site? Everyone would be able to delete other people's submissions. It only shows on your own account's submissions. My point was: "Why didn't you just click that button before you were banned?" You're saying you got banned because you tried to delete your submissions? None of them had been deleted at the time of your most recent ban. If you had, it would show up in the log. There were ZERO delete requests on your Duion account before I deleted it today.
Duion2 Apr 1
How am I supposed to know that? I thought it is a general button, since the FAQ says if someone uploads your content without your permission you can request deletion and it would be impossible to do that if you could only request deletion on your own stuff.
And I don't say what I would have said, since even my non insults are seen as insults so what would a real insult be then?
Duion2 Apr 2
Well now we have a problem, since my contributions are listed as submitted by anonymous, which is not true and I don't want them here. It is also problematic since people cannot attribute to the now nonexistent creator of the asset nor verify the source, since there is no way to check where it is from or who uploaded it. So now you need to delete them as well somehow.
Ugh. Yes, we do have a problem. I seem to be the only admin still willing to deal with you and I'm starting to see why. READ ALL OF THE FOLLOWING VERY CAREFULLY
Let me guess: Instead of ASKING me to remove your account, you decided to do something to a bunch of your submissions that would prompt people to flag your account as "compromized"? There's a removal request form in the FAQ (Which you knew about because you used it to start this conversation!), there's references to how to get your account removed in the forums, and I even directly offered to you to talk to me via PM before all this. I'm sure you'll claim you didn't know how to get your account removed, but I'm not buying it anymore.
Instead of clicking the Deletion button (which you knew was there before you were banned and chose not to use!) on the submissions you didn't want here anymore, you manipulated the submissions in a way that got your account flagged as "compromized". Which caused those submissions to be isolated for rollback. Good job, Duion; you played yourself.
If you ACTUALLY wanted to have your stuff removed, this wouldn't be an issue, but since you decided to post something that looked like a hack, you accomplished the opposite of what you intended. I don't know what you posted since the changes were rolled back.
It looks more and more like you were never concerned with your association with OGA or personal privacy at all. It looks more and more like what you REALLY wanted was to screw as many people over as you could. So... here's how it's going to be:
We have NO obligation to do anything for you at this point.
I MIGHT be persuaded to help you fix your problem even though I have NO OBLIGATION OR BENEFIT in doing so. Since I don't know the urls of the submissions (I can't just look at the Duion profile to see what's left, the profile is gone) I have to MANUALLY remove them one at a time. You've made being kind to you a pain in my ass. If you want to contest the presence of a submission, you will submit the URL of that submission to me here in this message thread ONE AT A TIME. I'll review it, and remove it. If you try to rush me, we're done.If you insult me or are rude in any way, we're done.If you use this site as a soapbox for shouting your drivel, we're done. How about it, Duion? What's that first URL?
Duion2 Apr 2
Duion2 Apr 2
Duion2 Apr 2https://opengameart.org/content/konserian-swamptree MEDICINESTORM Apr 2
ONE at a time, Duion. I haven't gotten to the second one yet.
Done. next one?
Duion2 Apr 2https://opengameart.org/content/example-terrains MEDICINESTORM Apr 2
Done. Next?
Duion2 Apr 2
Duion2 Apr 2
Duion2 Apr 2
Duion2 Apr 2
Duion2 Apr 2
Duion2 Apr 2
Duion2 Apr 2
Duion2 Apr 2
Duion2 Apr 3
Duion2 Apr 3
Duion2 Apr 3
Duion2 Apr 3
Duion2 Apr 3
Duion2 Apr 3
Duion2 Apr 3
Duion2 Apr 3
Duion2 9:51 am
We have to hurry a bit, since there are a lot to go:
Looks like we're done.
Duion2 10:13 am
It would have been much more easy for you, if you just had deleted them all to begin with, I know that this function exists and you intentionally did not do it that way.
You haven't been paying attention. Yes, it would have been great if YOUR INTENTIONAL MANIPULATION OF THE SUBMISSIONS HAD NOT ISOLATED THEM FOR ROLLBACK. It would have been much more easy for you if you had just requested deletion on them all to begin with, you know that this function exists and you intentionally did not do it that way.
Step 1. Reread this thread.
Step 2. Realize you screwed yourself. I didn't screw you over. You screwed you over and made helping you difficult.
Step 3. Don't bother responding. WE'RE DONE.
--Medicine Storm
Publishing private messages without consent is also illegal.
None of my data has been deleted, none, my contributions are marked as anonymous, but it is obvious by whom they are and by whom they have been submitted, as anonymous users cannot publish anything here.
Also it is not legal to publish works as anonymous without license, at least not in my country, where public domain is not possible, the author is always the author and always has the rights to his work.
For that CC0 was invented, but you cannot just manipulate my contributions to make it look like it is something else,
Additionally none of my comments were deleted and also not anonymized as they are all still listed as written by "Duion" for example here: https://opengameart.org/content/dandelions
It is also not legal to blackmail me with made up rules and lies to have my data deleted, which was not deleted anyway.
No, it really isn't illegal, actually; That would be censorship. Even if it were illegal, it would only take one of us to consent, and since you seem determined to air this publicly, I hereby consent to publicizing the conversation. It is also not illegal to publish works anonymously, accidentally or otherwise.
Yes it does seem that none of the data you submitted was deleted, just your personal profile and account details. That certainly wasn't intentional. My intent was that all your submitted data would be deleted with your account. However, as far as I can tell, other users or the anti-spam module flagged your account as suspicious or spam. I'm not the greatest expert on the framework, so I couldn't begin to tell you why that prevented your submissions and comments from being deleted. I can assure you I certainly don't have the patience to individually and manually change each submission and comment to "anonymous".
I didn't have any issue with you removing your submissions. As far as I'm concerned, you should be able to do with your work what you want, and I was perfectly willing to help with that, but *legally* (your primary concern, apparently), CC0 means you've dedicated it to the public. You can't make people stop using it. It is not illegal to publish CC0 works without credit nor permission. Again, that is not what was intended. I don't want to steal your work. I don't even care.
What I DO have an issue with, is you wasting my time, insulting me for it, then blaming me for the exact kind of twisted behavior that caused all this. If you or anyone else wants to help you with this, fine with me. I won't stop you, but I'm done being treated like a jerk for trying to help.
--Medicine Storm
You deleting my account was also illegal, since I made a second account and you did not even verify it was me with the second account, you instantly just pressed delete and intentionally did not delete my submissions and I know there is a button for it.
Your hypocrisy becomes even more obvious when I gave you the full list of stuff to delete and you refused to do it. There is no need to be only allowed to post one link for removal per message and there is also no need for you to "review" anything, since it is obvious that the content is by me, as I'm probably the only one listed as anonymous. You are intentionally creating as much work for me and for you as possible. I could just give you the full list, since I know the algorithm how the links are generated.
If you want to steal my work, go ahead, publish them using your account, but not publish them using my account that you stole from me. My account and my data is mine. Also consider, that even according to your own sites rules, I can have work from me taken down, if someone else uploads it without my consent, which is what happened now. You can also go ahead and violate your own sites rules and do so, I don't care, what I care about is my right to have my account and data deleted. I'm not even obliged to help you find what data you have to delete, because you were too incompetent to do so to begin with.
What gave you the impression that a free site is legally obligated to keep your account until you approve the deletion? Genuinely curious
My account was deleted after I said so from a second account called Duion2, but anyone could have called himself that, you cannot just delete an account, just because someone else pretends to be that person. That's a major incompetence from the admins, serious companies always use some form of verification, like email etc. But that is just a side issue.
Customer service best practice != legal obligation.
My project: Bits & Bots
This place is probably a den of thieves where nobody obeys laws or moral guidelines.
This is a sweeping generalization. And an insulting one. I can now see how you can easily antogonize people. But I will assume that you are just trolling. :)
I wish you could ban someone for stupidity ;)
I'm not insulting anyone, I'm just calling a thief a thief. You want to ban me, but keep my contributions, so you are stealing from me. You are also violating several data protection laws, that even the supposedly most evil companies like google and facebook all comply with.
Additionally you are violating your own rules that say I can have my stuff deleted if someone uploads it against my will.
So you are criminals according to real world laws and according to your own rules.
You are the stupid ones, wanting to get in trouble over nothing, you could have just left me alone or delete me and my stuff after you did not leave me alone.
First of all, they are Art Submission "Guidelines", not laws.
Second of all, nobody wants your crumby contributions. All of your art sucks. Change the license and go after people who use them if you dont like it(or can find anyone who is actually going to use them). You keep talking about laws??? This is a privately owned website and there are no laws that regulate the data, accounts, private messages and the like. You probably don't even know what local jurisdiction the server or the owner is located.
OGA is a very open and helpfuly community and you're trying to trash it over some garbage dispute. Get real buddy. The only thing criminal here is your lack of intellect.
You insult the entire community with this nonsense.
This entire thread is SPAM.
I cannot change the license or delete it since my account was banned, because I tried to change my contributions, thats the whole issue to begin with.
Yes go and delete all of it, that's what I wanted in the first place.
And of course you are bound to the law, why else would basically every other company comply with it? Go tell them how everyone is wrong except you and that every private company does not have to obey any laws or care about human rights, because they are private.
What law? Who's law? Last time I checked Open game art is not a company and there are no human rights violations applicable to anything you're talking about. You keep spouting nonsense, letting everyone see how rubbish you are.
Go file a police report if you're so certain. They will laugh at you.
I don't appreciate, or take lightly, your beligerant, unwarranted attacks on this community. Get lost.
So private persons do not need to obey any laws or human rights then? Thats like saying, if someone is at your house, you can do with him what you want, since he is on your privately owned property.
What law is being broken? What countries law are you talking about? Where is your source? Everything you say sounds like rambling gibberish of an ignorant child.
"So private persons do not need to obey any laws or human rights then? Thats like saying, if someone is at your house, you can do with him what you want, since he is on your privately owned property."
YES ACTUALLY, here in America, if you trespass on my private property I can shoot and kill a person.
This is not trespassing, you are inviting people to come here and contribute, that is like inviting people to your home, then throwing them out, but keeping their stuff they brought with them and claiming it belongs to you now, thats just stealing.
Just because you build a house on MY land, doesn't give you any right to that house. You're the idiot that built it on MY land, making it MY house. You willingly GAVE resources, nobody took them from you. On top of it, even though OGA provides a protocol for removing the content, which is something they DO NOT HAVE TO DO, you refused to follow it.
You do not have the right to inconvenience people however you wish, on THEIR "PRIVATE" platform.
So you call everyone who contributes here an idiot, because all content that is given away will be stolen by the platform? That was not part of the deal. You cannot steal copyright. You even break your own rules that you made for the site. So you are basically inviting people with terms of service that are lies and then call them idiots if they fall for it?
My account was banned, so I thought I ask for it and the content to be deleted, which the admin did not do, where is my fault here? The admin then made up ridiculous protocols, that I could only post a single link and wait for it to be removed, which would have taken days or weeks, thats just insane.
Who from OGA management/ownership, called, emailed, or somehow solicited/asked you to come here and contribute?
Fact is you most likely found Open Game Art through your own actions and decided to contribute WILLINGLY without solicitation.
Where is the agreement you signed with OGA that they would guarantee how fast your content would be removed or how? Or that it would be deleted to begin with?
I see that your stuff has been removed. Why are you trolling???
What is this oxymoron you spout:
"So you call everyone who contributes here an idiot, because all content that is given away will be stolen by the platform?"
What a dumb contradictory statement. How can one steal something you willing gave them?????
Hope all your contributions get wiped from the servers, they're stinkin' up the place.
Of course you are inviting people into here, the door is open for people to open accounts and distribute their content here. Nowhere it says the content contributed will become owned by the website and everyone who contributes is an idiot.
What you are doing is like opening an art gallery and invite people to show their art there and as soon someone does it, you throw him out, but keep all his property and refuse to give it away again. Thats just a thievery organisation then.
And no matter how you argue, the right to privacy, the right to be forgotten and the right to your own data applies everywhere. You cannot claim you legally stole it from someone and therefore you can do with it what you want now.
"Europe's data protection legislations are intended to secure potentially damaging, private information about individuals. "
"The right to be forgotten "reflects the claim of an individual to have certain data deleted so that third persons can no longer trace them."
First of all, the right to be forgotten only applies to PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT AN INDIVIDUAL This means, email, name, age, search history, or any other information about an individual. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO PUBLIC ARTISTIC WORKS OR CONTRIBUTIONS. You can read it for yourself.
Right to privacy protects your information ABOUT you. Not your willing creations or artistic creations you submitted on a private platform. None of those assets reveal any personal information about you in real life, which is what these two laws are meant to protect.
Second of all, Right to be forgotten is an E.U. LAW it is only enforceable on entities which host data in any of the EU countries. OGA is hosted in the USA.
The rights apply to EU citizens, I could delete my account and content almost on every other service now and even if they did not offer it officially, I could request it from the support and they would do it, only you are making trouble.
There are no terms of service or contract where you sign away ownership of your content when you join the website, so why should my content be yours now?
You at least violate your own rules, you say I can have art uploaded against my permission taken down here.
You also have issues now, since there are contributions from me now, that are listed as anonymous, so people downloading have no idea who made it, so they cannot credit the author nor do they have a verification of the source and the license.
Go complain to your local authorities if you think you have a legit case here. OGA has already addressed your situation.
If the rights do not apply to US companies, why do they all obey them then? Go to google and facebook and tell them, that all the trouble they are going through regarding data protection is completely unnecessary.
Even if you would have no legal obligation, why don't you just be nice and delete my account and my content like everyone else does? Would have been just a few clicks, but you intentionally chose to make as much trouble as possible for me. Yes I also tried to make trouble for you, but you banned me 3 times and threatened to ban me permanentely, so I was pissed off and it was my right to edit my own content, then you banned my account and edited my contributions and my account using my name.
Through your behavior you people at least prove, that you are willing to be complete assholes and willing to ignore your own rules, this does not show you in a good light.
And anonymous users cannot post assets here. If you are so motivated to have me censored, why don't you delete my stuff then? Why go through all the trouble stealing my contributions using my account that you stole from me also?
Google and Facebook are not just US companies you country bumkin. They have physical offices, data servers, and business registrations in the EU and pay taxes in the EU, thus being subject to EU laws and regulations. Unlike google and facebook, the data you submit here exists on physical machines located on US soil, where EU laws have NO jurisdiction whatsoever.
I can't delete anything of yours, I'm not an Admin so I don't know why you're arguing with me. I didnt ban you, I don't want your crappy contributions, and I don't give a hoot what you say or think.
You're like a child having a tantrum.
I have nothing to do with OGA admin or ownership, I don't even know any of them. I am just a regular OGA user and this does not make me see OGA in a bad light. All I see is a crazy maniac who is rambling about his crappy artwork nobody even wants.
Then why are you arguing with me? Writing in fat and all caps will not make your arguments better and insulting me will also not help.
Too bad that Google and Facebook do not know that they would have just put all their physical office and servers into the USA and they could immediately ignore all laws and human rights, you should tell them that, it would probably make you billions.
"Too bad that Google and Facebook do not know that they would have just put all their physical office and servers into the USA and they could immediately ignore all laws and human rights, you should tell them that, it would probably make you billions."
Actually, many companies do. My company certainly doesn't adhere to EU regulations. They have no jurisdiction over me.
I have to write in caps and bold because you don't read and ignore key points. Either that or you have no reading comprehension. I don't insult you, I just state facts. I don't curse at you and use words like "asshole" even though you insult all of the OGA community.
I don't get your motivation to argue against me, you never contributed anything here, almost all your activity you ever did here is arguing with me about how this website does not have to obey any laws or human rights.
At the same time you say, you don't want me and my content here and want me banned, so why don't you help me with that? Seems we both want the same thing.
I'm a software developer that hires some of the awesome artists(unlike yourself) here for comissioned work. I don't normally get involved in forums but I saw this post and your ugly and igorant comments about OGA and couldnt help but respond.
There are NO laws, in the EU or the USA or anywhere in the WORLD that says OGA has to delete anything but your personal "INFORMATION".
Its not a matter of if they are subject to the laws you keep citing or not (Which they aren't) But those laws have nothing to do with game art.
If you knew how to read, you wouldn't argue with me. You can read about the actual laws and what they're for here:
Everything you say tells me and everyone else in the world that you have no idea what these laws are even about.
In case you don't know what count's as PERSONAL INFORMATION, you can look here:
According to the European Commission, "personal data is any information relating to an individual, whether it relates to his or her private, professional or public life. It can be anything from a name, a home address, a photo, an email address, bank details, posts on social networking websites, medical information, or a computer's IP address."[3] The precise definitions of terms such as "personal data", "processing", "data subject", "controller" and "processor", are stated in Article 4 of the Regulation.[4]
Digital artwork that doesnt reveal any personal information about a person doesn't count as "Personal Data" under the EU law.
I don't have time to educate you all day.
Yes and this is a social network site and my posts here are my private data I want to have removed.
You at least need to anonymize my posts then, which did not happen, they are all still listed as written by "Duion" and my contributions are obviously made by me and cannot be anonymized, since that is not legally possible in my country, the author of a work is always the author and always has the rights to them, you cannot make anything public domain.
That is your opinion. OGA, by definition, is NOT a social networking website. There is no indication that Duion is a real name and you don't have the rights to every handle named Duion. That does not count has "Personal Information" as previously stated and sourced by the links I provided.
With all of that said, OGA is not in EU jurisdiction. They don't have to follow rules that the EU arbitrarily makes that we have no control or vote or say over here in America, thats just nonsense. EU is not King of the world.
We can keep going in circles because you don't listen or are too dumb to understand even though I provide you with proof and evidence of what I say.
You have an account, a profile, you can make posts, you can interact with other people of similar interests etc, it exactly fits the definition of social media and even if not, it does not matter, since it is still personal data. https://eugdprcompliant.com/personal-data/
I don't know the legal details, but I know that basically almost everyone complies with it, not only in the EU but worldwide, only you people here refuse to comply with anything.
So seems like 99% of the world is wrong and only you know that there are no legal obgliations to anything and everyone can do what he wants.
Yes the link you provided proves my point. You obviously didn't even read your own source.
I happen to be well versed in international and local laws as the CEO of Dimensionscape LLC (https://dimensionscape.com).
I have spent $1000.00's of USD on lawyers and CPA's to make sure I conform to local and international laws. I'm not arguing with the world, I'm arguing with you and you're obviously a deranged lunatic that just says things and expects people to think its true or factual. GROW UP. (and educate yourself please)
Since you want to be cute....
ANYONE WHO WANTS DUIONS ART CAN GET IT HERE: https://web.archive.org/web/20170317043744/https://opengameart.org/users...
EAT THAT BUDDY. You don't own the internet.
You were soliciting people to pay you through patreon for your art. Now you want to remove it???? YOUR THE THEIF AND CRIMINAL.
https://archive.org/about/terms.php have fun getting them to delete their records.
I can see that some submissions are under CC0. So Duion waived his right of copy on those items and now demands them to be removed?
Duion, that's hopeless. :)
Sorry to everyone else for the Drama on my part. I don't say much here but I've been hanging around for years and I love this community. I get a little fired up when people are total jerks :(.
Sometimes unruly brats need to be spanked.
Your website looks like it was just created and looks like a typical scam company, you did not even bother to change the default theme or icon. Also I cannot find anything on what your company supposedly does, social media links are all dead or nonexistent, no portfolio anywhere etc.
It is probably just a shell company your business is shady at best.
I don't care about the archive, all I want is that my account and content here to be deleted now, to show that I don't appreciate to be here and that I don't appreciate my content to be distributed here.
Yes, they are all CC0, however I have the right to have my account and my contributions to be deleted, you can go and upload them using your account, that would "only" violate this websites rules, but legally you would be fine.
Fair enough. Perhaps I need to download them all from archive ASAP. Some good stuff you have there. Would be too bad if it gets lost because of some people's disagreement.
Sure buddy, I've been in business for over 3 years and my website explains exactly what we do.
Now that all of your tired, petty arguments have been defeated, you can resort to obviously nutjob insults. Tell us more.
Oh, I see you conveniently posted link to your work on your web site. That's nice. Thanks.
You say you develop games, yet there is no portfolio of any developed or published games, not even in development ones, none at all. So 3 years in business and still not produced anything, great.
Duion, just because you suck at using Google Search (Man who sucks at using a search engine..really?) Doesn't mean I don't have any games.
Games do not keep the lights on. We mainly operate servers for small businesses and develop customized software solutions as 3rd party contractors, boasting clients all over the world.
We do have a few projects being developed.
www.dimensionscape.com/downloads/DSpy.rar (one example of software we have made for clients, Cant share it all...)
Not going to post everything from my youtube channel you can look for yourself.
How does it feel to be proven WRONG so many times?
So if you have so many great projects, why don't you show them off on your company's website? That would be the first thing to do.
Even the games that you posted now are still nonexistent and/or not released, so 3 years in business and nothing to show yet.
We can talk again when your company has accomplished something.
Realms of Gaia and Stellar Dominion are both released under closed Beta.
We have released and created dozens of software for clients. The main purpose of our primary company website is for our clients to log in and access their server and product control panel, not to advertise our in house games. We have also developed games as third party contractors for several companies.
I'm not sure what university you went to for game design or big company you've worked for where you learned that massive multiplayer games that are made with in-house engines and small teams can be built and released just like that. It took us almost a year and a half to develop our engine! Hah.
You can keep attacking my credentials, but what have you accomplished in in the last 2 and a half years? How many games have you published? Whats your company name/registration? Got anything in beta? Ever published your own software? Anything?? When was the last time you earned over $300,000.00 USD in 1 year?? I'd be happy to post my tax return!
Besides, what makes you think I care about your stinky opinion?
Your obvious obsession to harass me here and your attempt to justify the Opengameart's politics to ignore data protection laws and violation of even their own rules.
I don't care about you and your nonexistent games or your shell company for your shady businesses, but something extremely motivates you to sabotage me here even though you supposedly have no interest in me. Are you a shill or what? Whatever I don't care anymore.