Free game engine for android games?
Free game engine for android games?
Tuesday, December 5, 2017 - 10:02
Hi, I would like to make my own games for android. I dont know much code, very little java, but I want to know what is the best 2D game engine thats FREE and easy to learn, also good to learn code, as I might want to use other engines that you need to code. hence I'm not sure about using game engines that have their own language unless it helps learn other languages.
Assuming you're looking for "free as in beer", I hear Unity is pretty great. It's free until your company starts earning $100,000.00+ anually. After that you have to pay for a higher-tier license, but I don't think I'd mind paying $35/month if I were making over $100k a year on my game. :)
--Medicine Storm
yeah I dont mind paying small amount but not subscriptions, I dont like paying them. even giving them a % or ads are ok also , but I dont know if my game would be any good, so I would like something I can test it on and still port to android, also I've tried game maker its good, but cant port to android without paying. But good thing about that is it one time payment, I have also tried stencyl but has subscription for port to andoird $199/yr so dont like the idea of that, but I do like the level maker and coding if thats what you would call it lol
Unity is nice, I have tried it but I get stuck on the coding, I would need to spend alot of time watching videos and reading tutorials. I'm looking for something easy to learn and use. I do want to learn to code but im having hard time getting my head around it.
i can suggest you to try whit godot engine. You can dowload it from the main website or from steam.
For my experience godot have a nice potential and is more easy then Unity.
You can make the script in C++ or in godot language(syntax very similar to python).
Try it and let me know how you feel, if you need help reply and i will try to help you =)
Processing is a free and works perfectly in android and Desktop, i created a free game engine with processing, it calls gameLibZero and this si the game engine whith i make my game for de OGA challenge 2019.
If you are interested on this, i make some examples os use and y publish the engine.
Defold is also a very good engine for developing 2d games l. And what's more? It's 100% free, you don't have to pay anything, ever to develop with it. It runs on lua, and has also got a great supporting community.
I'd like to recommend ORX.
LibGDX is pretty great. You can write one codebase in Java, and can then release it as Android, HTML/Javascript (browser play), PC, and even iOS. Can do 2D & 3D.
I'd like to recommend construct and gdevelop :)
For those that want to make 2D/3D there is my Software "DeadDeer".
It can at best run physics in 2D/3D, even if it is mainstream for 3D, there are sprite functions.
It works on main platforms except consoles, you can look at webasm examples on the web page, there are 3D sample and 2D sample too.
This is free software, and various game can be scripted with pseudo-C.