Welcome to the Vector Art Forum
Welcome to the Vector Art Forum
Hey folks,
Welcome to our vector art Forum, I'll be your graceous host. I expect to check the forums at least daily.
I have been creating vector art for about 6 years and I'm a contributer to Inkscape and various other projects.
Some quick and easy place to find great vector tutorials ( Inkscape mostly ) is http://screencasters.heathenx.org/ & http://inkscapetutorials.wordpress.com/ & http://vectortutorial.com/ I'll add more when I have sometime.
Cool! A fellow Inkscaper... (or Inkscapist?!? ..whatever) btw, the link to vectortutorial.com seems dead.
(not minding that this post was over a year ago)
got game?
Ooh, I know one of those: http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/ChrisHildenbrand/20111015/8669/2D_Game_Ar... -- pretty much what it says on the tin.
That's a very nice tutorial!
Wow! It really is a great tutorial. Although it only discuss how to greate static graphics. This makes me wanna write a tutorial for animated sprites (using Inkscape of course).
Thanks for the link, claudeb!
got game?
That is possible with inkscape?
The fifth part of the tutorial actually does explain that: http://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/ChrisHildenbrand/20111114/8882/2D_Game_Ar...
So whats up with the DI cover for a avatar?
Whoah! This dude have it all written already. (http://2dgameartforprogrammers.blogspot.com/) Well, as long as it promotes Inkscape, I'm cool with it.
got game?
Hi guys... I wrote the tutorials trying to make use of my 25+ years of game art creation and 20 years of vector art...I am glad you like them - as I am having too much fun to stop now ;)
Cool! We actually managed to have him join us here in OGA. :D
@SpriteAttack: Looking forward to reading more of your tutorials -- preferably Inkscape, since there's already too much Blender tutorials for games.
I'm actually advocating Inkscape as well (for making games) thus the reason I'm using it for my open source game, Smack!.
got game?
> since there's already too much Blender tutorials for games.
Was looking in those last weekend (wanted to know how to do something):
So, please no video tutorials.
Although it's fun to watch the pros do something from scratch, it really is a pain in the a$$ to re-watch the whole thing for a single minor detail you missed.
got game?
Hello all. I need some serious help here. I need some decal artwork changed to a vector. I've tried and tried and I just can't get it. Is there anyone here willing to do the conversion for me or that can point me to a program that will auto trace? I'm at my wits end thanks to all the messed up wiring in my head. Thanks for any help.
"Mankind has yet to evolve but a single inch from the slime that spawned him"
Every vector graphics program I have ever used had tracing functionality. This includes Inkscape.
Red warrior needs caffeine badly.
I understand that and I actually have the free inkscape, I just don't have a mind that can follow it. There's just too many buttons and directions and my head swims. I have these decal projects to get done and I can't do it. I had no idea what was needed when I got into the project and I just need help. I haven't even figured out how to get the box in the middle of the screen to match the shape of the decal sheet i'm attempting. Thanks for your response.
"Mankind has yet to evolve but a single inch from the slime that spawned him"