Multi-part sprites and other objects

Multi-part sprites and other objects


Very old sprites, probably older than 2006.  I just gathered them all up then.  Anyway, all of these art remains unused to this day.  The original plan was to make a side-scrolling beat-'em-up RPG.  You can credit me if you like, but I do not require it.  These sprites are public domain, meaning anyone and everyone can use them for whatever they want.

Tools used: MSPaint (Windows XP).

Loosely based on the Rurouni Kenshin chibi animations from 1998.

Example game (very old):

The game is NOT under the same license, and the sprite is a variation of my original red-shirt sprite with different clothes, so I don't mind sharing that sprite (all pieces of it) as public domain if I can find it.  The game uses Flash's movieclip container to animate each piece within a larger container, which holds the x/y neutral position data.  I recommend you use Spriter instead if you can.  It offers an easier workflow.

Attribution Instructions: 
If you want to credit me, credit me as Josh Maines, but I do not require credit. I am sharing this art in hopes that it gets used somewhere. If you use it for anything, let me know. Thanks.
spritelist.png spritelist.png 73.8 Kb [1468 download(s)]