Classic hero and baddies pack
Classic hero and baddies pack
Thursday, March 5, 2015 - 15:52
Art Type:
Includes a green hero complete with punching, kicking, and even pushing objects! Also includede are two enemies that are either killed by jumping on them or punching them! Instructions on how to use the sprites included.

Lovely! Thanks for sharing these!
These look amazing, huge help!
[EDIT] Changed the color on one's shirt to have two players. Here's where my prototype is at!
I really love these.
Funny ones :)
Very nice. Here's a mockup I made with some of my stuff:
Hello, the pixel art you have really hits me right in the childhood, I would love to make a game with it, I would like to know if its possible to get the main character ( the green one and blue one that you posted ) in 1 sprite sheet , all blue or all green , that way the main character could kick and swim and have a parachute, let me know, thank you for your amazing artwork, you have a new admirer!
cuTE!! ;D
This is such great sprite sheet - I'm using it to learn video game development. Thank you so much!
Hey! I loved this classic hero guy so much I made him the protagonist in an android GPS game I recently put out. You can check him out in his new adventure at... . Anyway, thank you so much for making this public domain! I have no talent in visual art, and without free art like this I could never make ANY games. Thanks again GrafxKid! You're the best!
using this :
all due credits provided but i wanna make a nice scrolly credit screen before lve anyway
i re-pixeled what i cal "Oggy" now (removed all the pixels around to alpha b/c gimps standard "colour to alpha" tends to set the whole sprite slightly transparent which doesnt work well with layerd stuff),
Oggy, who might probably appear more as i want "OGA is the new crack" to be an alternating series with art only from the site here
no agenda, no plans, zero-design, we go on-the-fly
thanks !! :
I used some of your excellent assets in this simple platformer I created:-