[FIXED] Problems Submitting Art (AJAX HTTP)
[FIXED] Problems Submitting Art (AJAX HTTP)
Sunday, May 17, 2020 - 02:40
I'm quite new here but wanted to start sharing some of my work so other could use and enjoy it however
after my first uploading I started getting a error message.
It does upload images but I cant remove images and I can only upload one at time.. (after saving)
I read some messages about trying different browser so I tried to use EDGE (currently using chrome) but got same message.
Note realated to this post, I get same message when adding a picture to attachements..
Any idea what could be chausing this?
I'm having the same issue...
We should be patient the admins will help us when able. Maybe sending a direct message to bart will help. Just one to let him know of the issue.
Solution for attachments:
Disable java scrips in browser and update image is working solution for attachments, I just found out, yea ..actually it`s only working for attachments in comments.
Thank you commander:)
Yea thanks woizua ..
repeat :
..actually it`s only working for attachments in comments, ..uh uh.
Its ok maybe I can share my art in comments for now.
if anyone wonders the .ogg I shared is CC-Zero
Good music, mystic Minecraft style.
Thank you:) Made with lmms:)
Ok, botanic found a problem with site xss handling, so he fixed it. Try uploading/editing to normal submissions and let me know if you guys still have issues.
--Medicine Storm
Thank you MedicineStorm and Botanic:)
Looks to be working,
Thank you for fixing it! :)