Heresy a Flare mod - FIRST ACT RELEASED!
Heresy a Flare mod - FIRST ACT RELEASED!
Guys/girls i would love to know your opinion about the mod
Windows version, just unzip and run (recomended for Win users):
Windows updated engine:
Linux updated engine:
Heresy only Mod:
Hello, early this year i decided to start my own flare mod. My main idea is to make it resemble Diablo 1/2 as much as possible, so i changed lots of game mechanics for that. The base is already in place, a similar stat system, different weapon classes with att times, range, etc...; i also added some unused content and lots of my own created content, more use of elemental damage/resistances, some ideas like summoning pets... and a heavier focus on brutal combat and loot variety (and blood, lots of blood).
One major change compared to Flare is going to be the character growth, the skill tree will be empty at the start and the player needs to search for masters (from guilds) that will unlock them after joining their profession. The guilds will be shown along the game progression, each will present different playstyles, unique skills and late game equipment. There are 3 basic proffessions that will advance/specialize into others as the acts progress: Soldier, basic melee warrior skills: -Knight, oriented to defense --Paladin, Healing and resistances --Dark Knight, Leeching and debuffs -Mercenary, Attk oriented, better loot drops, an all rounder --Duelist, high dodge and mobility enhacing skills, some support magic skills Archer, basic ranged skills -Shooter, pure damage oriented, get the crossbows unique weapons --Master Shooter, get the heavy crossbows and other ranged unique weapons -Hunter, stealth/dodge, magic --Ranger, animal summons and support spells (like slow) --Assassin, high evasion and movility, short range weapons like throwing daggers and short swords (hybrid melee/ranged) Magician, a mage apprentice -Enchanter, pure damage oriented --Elementalist, more destructive spells -Warlock, attack and support spells --Necromancer, summons undeads, poisons, leeching and debuffs --Druid, summons monsters, turn into monters (melee/magic hybrid) (Necromancer and druid are pet based builds, they will depend a lot on their summons)
Now on to the story, I dont know if it will be too wordy for the average Diablo player, i will adjust text quantity once i can get feedback after i release a "first act". It will have dark humour(or my attemps), adult themes and bad language (not a child friendly mod); Im a Terry pratchet and horror movies fan so it will show in here. To resume it without spoiling too much, you are after some guys in a quest for revenge and it will get mixed with fantasy gods and Eldritch horrors. I have a post on FreeGameDev full of spoilers for anyone interested. I planned Acts in different biomes that will have a city or the like as a activity hub, with npcs for services and quest giving. The total work is humongeous, im adding lots of new enemies and art to the game, so it will take time. I would love to hear your suggestions and the like.
I'm guessing it isn't quite playable yet?
I like the idea of an initially blank skill tree + scattered skill trainers. Pre-planning my character build is cool, but exploration of growth is more fun IMO.
--Medicine Storm
I still need at least 5 more enemies that ill use for the first and second act (boar, wolf/boar goblin rider, goblin shaman and slime) and populate the powers and loot list. But the story is mostly there along with main level maps. Then lastly balancing hell, i think maybe in a couple of months the first act would be ready
Small update, added slimes
I wonder if anyone read this posts at all, but well, here i present to you a new whole cast of enemies:
- Goblin shamans and High shamans
- Boar and armored boar
- Goblin wolf rider, goblin boar rider and goblin boar knight
- Boar Goblin shaman and Boar Goblin High shaman
- Living guts (guts slime)
All of them animated and running on flare! Now i can go back to map making until i need a few minor horrors models for the act end.
--Medicine Storm
Nice models! Don't get discouraged if there aren't a lot of replies.
There's a spelling mistake on the Boar Knight (it says Knigth).
Once again, great work!
Thanks guys!, ill correct that misspelling, i kind of confuse where H go from time to time in english.
Ok, so, i want to tackle item population of the game. I have a few that wont change in the whole game, money (duh) and potions:
Small health Potion - recovers 25% Hp
Health Potion - recovers 50% Hp
Big health Potion - recovers 75% Hp
Small mana Potion - recovers 25% Mp
Mana Potion - recovers 50% Mp
Big mana Potion - recovers 75% Mp
Elixir potion - Restore 50% of maximum HP and MP
Panacea potion - Cures all negative effects
Regeneration Potion - Restore some HP and MP over an extended time.
This ones are easy enough, the problem are loot items, Flare doesnt have a random item generator, which is a real pain since they must be created one by one and taking into account the point of the game where they appear. So for streamlining creation i thougth of this system:
Quality (lesser, normal, high, supreme) + Atributte + type (of the item: sword, amulet...): Ex:
Lesser warrior ring (small +Str)
Magician amulet (average +Int)
For items with mixed bonus ill use some cool names, ex, Crusader (+Str +Def), Bandit (+Agi, +Str)...; since ill also let enemies drop items higher than their level, to give the player something to look for on a future level up (and some utility to the stash), i plan asking for the 70% of the neccesary stat so the player can use it (ex: War-axe a Lv10 item, each lv up the player get 5 points (so 50 points for a pure Str char at lv10 ) , so its the 70% of 50 str points = 35 Str points requiered to use that axe) and 30% if a second stat is required (bows need Dex and Str) so for a Lv10 bow, the char needs 35 Dex and 15 Str. Rings will only have a Lv requeriment since they are intended to help raise needed stats.
Besides that, i think magic items should count a lv higher than they are(+1 if just one attribute, +2 for two extra attributes...), ex: Club-lv5 = 16 Str needed, Lesser warrior club-lv5 = 21 Str needed...
This is a bit complex but i trust will give the illusion of variety, and even so i fear it will fall short. What do you guys think?
Nice going! I am starting a similar effort, but have not begun to get my hands dirty yet. I started by slowly refining my concepts, classes, setting, etc. So right now all I have are tables and notes. I hope that I can reach the point where you are now. It sure is a lot of work, and making heads and tails out of the Flare files is a challenge. But I expect to see how it all fits together once (if?) I get down to it. And perhaps credit some of your assets ;)
Enough for an introduction. Your idea sounds manageable in complexity as the creation of items goes, and easy to follow while playing. But I share your fear. Such a method will run out of combinations quickly and you out of names even faster, for the level of variety that I understand you have in mind.
My suggestion would be for you to leave it at that, however, so as to not bog down your progress. It is, as I understand, fairly easy to add more items later.
When I was going through what the engine offered, and got to the items, my thought was that it would be possible to write a script to generate them. Not within the engine, just to automate the combining into a file for it. I may still get to share that, but don't wait for me, you are far too much ahead.
Hi NeverEnds!, I have to move from my ass already and share my new assests, i hope they are useful for you and more people, its not really FOSS if i dont release them, rigth?. I would really like to get my hands on a script like that, its been 10 years since i coded something so im beyond rusty on that aspect. If you finish that script please give me a shout, im just adding basic items for the time being.
Its actually scary how much work the entire thing is, but its not like i have a deadline or anything of the shorts, going slow is fine. As someone told me in another forum: You must try hard to get something playable that you like to play. Making games( for fun ) without the motivation to play this game is always bad. Best thing to keep you motivated is to play your own game and have fun doing it.
Lol, I was the one that said that, Danimal. It really is a lot of work to make your own game, even if the engine is already made, like Flare. Big companies, and even small companies, have a team of people, and everyone is focused on a specific task: some do code, some do art, some do marketing, etc. When you make your own game, you have to do all of these different tasks by yourself. The time you spend on art is time that you're not spending on marketing, the time you spend on marketing is time you're not spending on code, etc. So yeah, it's normal that things get slow.
Just a quick news, this is still alive. Currently im making all the items declarations on my spare time; its a real chore which is making me lag behind on the development, after that ill realease an alpha/beta of what i have of the first arc to get some feedback and bugs reports.
I have been slowly adding more equipment, icons, enemies... across this past year; so far the worst is having to tailor to 3 different game styles (melee/ranged/magic) and balancing difficulty, while maps and art-wise is more straighforward and fun to me.
So keep tuned, im slow but sure.
ITS DONE!!! After a year and half im finally done with a hopeful first and not last Act; balance may be off since its the first time i make something this big; I tested warrior class and it plays well, magician/archer probably need further balance.
I would love to hear your opinions on the mod overall, problems, bugs, story...
Just a quick recap, i added over 11 new enemies with 35 variants (some of them are not used yet until its their turn), over 6 new songs, lots of new sounds, modified skills, a storyline, cutscenes... and many more.
First act is a small homenage to Diablo; Start can be a tiny bit slow, please bear with the few NPC dialogs at first until you get to the carnage, being the opening act it has more text than future act.
I stimate over 2 hours playtime without rushing, Warning! its harder than vainilla Flare and squishy classes can possibly have a bad time; if you decide to get the cheat items "Smugler Weird" sells them.
To play it, you need to unzip, move Heresy folder into Flare/Mods, run Flare -> configuraton -> Mods , in that screen at the left (Active mods) you need to have "Fantasy core" and "Heresy"
Updated Flare version for Linux (Thanks to Dorkster):
and Windows:
I love the world map
i must copy the idea XD
Hooray! congratulations! Downloaded. I still have to download FLARE as well, since I haven't played the original either. Always wanted to, so this seems like a good opportunity to start.
... Or should I play through the original campaign first before trying this mod?
--Medicine Storm
rixty , sure go ahead, its a bit of a hack using the paralax system since tiled dont allow big images; poke around and ask if needed.
MedicineStorm You can play as if, there are a few winks to Empyrean but nothing much, small warning, you get skills after finishing the first quest and getting a trainer to decide your class. You get just the 3 starter skills, in the next act you would get a new set, talk to the "modder" to see planned skills.
Congratulations Danimal! I haven't played Flare in a while, but now your mod makes me want to play it again! I'll definately test it. Thanks for all your hard work!
I also like the world map. I adore yd's map making tutorial.
--Medicine Storm
I revised naming conventions to prevent Linux errors and lessened the number of enemies in few elimination missions; new link:
I ran the game on linux and i got a lot off errors.
- The first map is sluggish.
- Fountain rendering is broken.
- Jumps from lvl 1 to lvl 12 after killing a rat.
- Cathedral cellar: Back to Triston gate is not working. Also, after killing al "vermins" can't get out of here.
- The Slime is sometimes rendered on top of walls.
- Lucky rune is dropped way too often
- It looks like Small health potion is not restoring any health at all.
Why don't you put it on GitHub?
Please download new versions of engine and mod; many of those are resolved already.
- The first map is sluggish.
will check with other people using Linux
- Fountain rendering is broken.
Same as before
- Jumps from lvl 1 to lvl 12 after killing a rat. --- Solved
- Cathedral cellar: Back to Triston gate is not working. ---Solved
- The Slime is sometimes rendered on top of walls.
Neved happened to me, can they move at all?
- Lucky rune is dropped way too often
Was intended, ill lower the ratio, its a drop just from lv1 monsters
- It looks like Small health potion is not restoring any health at all.
Thats very strange, pretty sure it works, same as first point
I can confirm the engine update broke the potions and the Class skills dont show at all, will fix asap
Now i have built the latest version of the game engine: 1.11.93. I get less errors in the console log with this new build
- The first map is sluggish. - same
- Fountain rendering is broken. - same
- Jumps from lvl 1 to lvl 12 after killing a rat.. - same
- Cathedral cellar: Back to Triston gate is not working. Also, after killing al "vermins" can't get out of here.. - same
- The Slime is sometimes rendered on top of walls.. - same
- It looks like Small health potion is not restoring any health at all.. - this bug dissapeared.
P.S.: You can fix the stairs that teleport you back to Triston by changing line 435 of Act1ChurchCellar.txt into :
Would be easier to give feedback if you would put it on GitHub :)
Hello again Taifun, im going to upload new version from engine and mod; Dorksters, the engine mantainer included changes that messed with the potions and disabled all player skills in the new build. It should fix those problems now(hopefully).
I renamed all maps and npcs to avoid the error in map change (Linux is quite capitals sensitive, or windows too lenient), decreased Lucky rune drop rate, xp needed to lv up fixed as well.
As for your errors, another linux user confirmed the fountain bug (it gets displaced laterally slowly?) but not about the slowness of the Triston map, or is it the cellar?; If slimes are stuck in a collision area that would explain it, ill fine tune the spawn areas to avoid walls.
The fountain is the thing i have no idea, please tell me how is bugged for you. Also if it is Triston or the cellar level the slow one.
It seems i wont scape from making a Github repository... its very useful, i know, but so very slow.
Only Triston map is slow on my computer so far.
The slimes were not stuck, they are sometimes rendered incorectly. Also the character renders incorectly sometimes, it's showing on top of some buildings or on top of the waypoint when it shouldn't (also Triston map)
The fountain gets displaced to the right for a few pixels. It looks like it's only one frame of the animation that does it.
What is your custom content and what is the unused content? What are your plans for the mod / content / use of the project? Where is your minotaur? Do you have any more animals and npcs?
New engine version correcting critical bugs:
- Fixes potions and player skills show up when choosing a class/talking to modder
- Xp table and Lv-ups should work now, no level jumping
- I reworked the fountain, since i cant reproduce visual bug in windows i cant tell if its fixed or not.
- Lv1 rats now drop "Rat fetish", "trauma rat" has increased chance
- Player gets rewarded a "Wolf fetish" for certain quest instead of a rat one.
- Proper end of Act
Guys/girls i would love to know your opinion about the mod
Windows version, just unzip and run (recomended for Win users):
Windows updated engine:
Linux updated engine:
Heresy only Mod:
WithinAmnesia inside Flare art repository were many unused weapons 3d models and items plus their icons (club,axe, battle axe, mace, warhammer, 2 handed sword, potions, amulets, falling loot animations...) i will add them back/render and will use them progessively.
As for new content i added:
- drop loot animations for belt, leather armor sets, plates armor sets (they only had the chest piece drop animation before).
- renders for unused weapons (exposed before) and new Spiked club, Ladle;
- new armors: pot helmet, pot lid, leather chestguard, reinforced pants, miner helmet, shortboots, chitin plate light. (plus icons)
- runes as a special item category that allows to use spells
- Reworked inventory background to have "shaded" equipment in their slots when empty.
- Lots of new skill icons
As for enemies and new characters, i added a lot but will use when fitting:
- Lots of new npcs
- Reworked Antlions to make better looking, they even got eyes now, new Phalanx antlion variant.
- Bats: normal, blood, ice , fire
- Wolfs: normal, alpha, ice , fire
- Slimes: normal, ice , fire, guts ,metal
- Boars: normal, armored
- Goblins: wolf rider, wolf knight, boar rider, boar knight, shaman, high shaman, boar riding shaman, boar riding high shaman
- Lux priest, Lux high priest
- Rats: normal, black, plague rat
- Tentacle demon
- Flying eye demon
Plus added blood to everything that dies; i havent even added my minotaur since i wouldnt be using it until much later, to the point i forgot about it.
Sounds to all new enemies for attacking, hurt and dying; 10 new ambience songs. Pretty sure im forgetting a few things, but all is credited in a txt.
As for the future of the mod, if there is interest on it ill make more acts. I will wait and see.
Edit: i have to release all blend files of the new models, will do shortly.
@Danimal * Do you intend on letting people like myself use your new content and mix and remix it and add on onto it for many different projects across the community?
For my current game being built with Flare I hope to sell the whole game on the usual online game store sites and offer a shareware version (like the original Doom being ~1/3 of the game but free). I wish to make a commercially viable game (like how every other 'proper' / established RPG and video game developer operates) but the assets and the engine and everything it is constituted from is open source / free for the community / properly credited / generally open and free to use and remix.
I am just interested in making a 'proper' game that is sold mainly for the time and or work investment. Also so I can pay for more outside developer work and assets. For example I pay for developers to work on my Unity tank game. I am working towards making that Unity tank game commercially viable to justify the devlopment cost investment. In my heart of hearts the players must always win first; profits second and the lion's share of the profit must be reinvested into developers and high quality content.
What is your view / the general view of the community / general legality of such a commercial development intent? I think that it is possible to create a commercially viable RPG game from the Flare engine and assets with the current licenses with Flare and most of the assets on (proper accreditation / credits and openness for people to use the assets). Yet to my current understanding a person can copyright an IP / 'completed game'.
This is more or less like what Clint Bellanger did with the Flare RPG game; I think / believe. I think Clint Bellanger legally owns the copywrite to the 'completed Flare game' but he kept it open source to play. I think Clint Bellanger then also kept the engine and assets ~'open source' / free to use for the community for personal and commercial games.
* Does that '@' even work? How do you properly '@' someone this forum like you did yourself to myself; reply?
For the @ thing i just copy pasted your user name; lets see, you can use all the new models i added, all of them are CC-by-sa:
Basically, you can use them as you see fit as long as you give attribution and everything you do with them is realeased under the same license. So basically you can sell any game you do using those assests. Now have into mind people gets pissed if go just change some model name and try to sell it, the license allows it, but the community is built over good will, the author released for free instead of selling.
So, resuming, you can make and sell a game made with Flare and any assests you get in here. There is this "Exiled kingdoms" in android that already did, its totally legal, just follow the lincense requeriments.
Danimal what are the steps required to make a Flare version of these Slimes for example? +
If I knew what steps to take to make the animation 'tileset' with blender and what script(s) to use I can go through all of the 300-700 blender creatures and make Flare compatible animation 'tileset' .png images. I wish to have all of my creatures be open source and free for the community to use; not just to use for myself.
I am currently just without a tutorial / step by step guide on how to go from animated blender file to creature animation.png for Flare to use. I know it can be done and many people within the Flare community have done so successfully. It feels like I am missing a step or two or some kind of tutorial process to successfully convert animated blender creatures into working Flare creature animations.
It bugs myself not having any assets myself for the community to currently use freely and open source. I want to convert many aspects of my older simpler rpgs into a flare RPG. One BIG feature from my older simpler rpg game projects is a diverse and extensive roster of enemies and non-player characters; a very large bestiary.
If I knew how to make flare creature animations / could find a tutorial I would make many creatures for Flare and the community to use freely.
I* Also there is "im" and "i" when they should be "I'm" and "I" respectively later on in the opening dialog crawl. You can copy -> paste into here for free spell checking.
Thanks, will correct, its bound to be plagued with those. Im re-cheking all dialogs with that corrector.
I really enjoyed playing the mod, even I haven't finished yet. My first character build went a bit wrong since I added single point for each attribute and when going back to weapon smith I noticed that I couldn't use any of the better weapons, wands or ranged weapons. This was because level 2 weapons seem to require value 4 in certain attribute.
Second character I made chose for wizard and it went fine until I encounter Giant Spider, or Black rat. Those had quite a lot of hit points and my character had less then one third of Giant spider. Maybe there should be some weapons that could be equiped with value 2 in strength/dextirity/intelligence.
Also on my first play getting for second level felt like so far away, since XP require ment rise from 250 to 1350 XP(I could be wrong but it was definitly over 1000), This was quite huge leap and since my selections were poor getting there felt almost like impossible. I am not fan for huge griding in games, and I think early in game players can get levels a bit faster than later since they might do mistakes when making the choices. Or maybe there could way to reset the choices for example drinking with drunken master. Which could cost another 400 gold pieces.
Im happy you like it ;)
Black rat and Spider are supposed to be strong, but given they are the closest when you get the quest ill nerf them so chars lv2 and 3 can take them down.
The xp table is like this atm:
#Base xp is 3*level of monster (rare monster give more xp)
level=2,150 #50*3 enemies slain x Exp
level=3,1500 #250*6 enemies slain x Exp
level=4,2700 #350*9 enemies slain x Exp
level=5,5400 #450*12 enemies slain x Exp...
So yeah, the jump is big, i did it since i had to be economical with items (they are hand crafted one by one, its hell) and didnt know very well how to balance everything, like damage/defense per Lv, enemy hp and attack... so keeping numbers low helped a lot (church cellar gets really easy with just a couple of items). Currently im trying to get an item generator, if it goes well and i get things more technical with proper stats tables i might redo the xp table and items to be much bigger.
I had planned for a reset chance much later in the game, but its a good idea to add it now since its still pretty much a wip.
I would love to hear your full impressions as you go or once you finish it completly, specially enemy difficulty.
The first 30-45 minutes of a game's experience are the most vital for the survival of the new playerbase. The majority of uncontent new players will drop off during this point of the first 30-45 minutes and never return. Hook the players quick and hook the players with a high quality opening experience. This is where new nostalgia is potentially born in the first opening experience.
I started with new character focusing on melee combat and game is probably a bit easier, if you pick strength that you get kitchen knife as a weapon. I have noticed couple of possible bugs.
First one was that ultrasonic bat, it was visible in game, but my pet antlion killed it. It took couple of summoning since it had quite a lot of hit points.
Second one was that Phalanx Antlion seemed quite passive to compared other antlions. Not sure if this was correct behaviour or not but killing that was relative easy compared for others.
On the other hand that boar in the woods is very difficult, I haven't been able to kill it it forces me to leave from the map, so I don't die.
I wonder would it be possible to make screen go red for a moment when character hit points go below some threshold, I have had moments that I haven't realised that HPs are low and I don't drink healing potion and then I die. Or maybe play some lounder sound effect when death is near for player character.
So, your pet killed the sonic bat but the quest didnt admit it? if so you can reenter the cave and it respawns, or is it something else?
Ill increase Phalanx aggro radius then.
Ill nerf boar as well then, make him more of a tank than a dps.
Actually, i think there is some beating sound supposed to play at low health, ill check if its true and or add/increase volumen.
Thanks for the feedback.
Yes Pet killed the sonic bat, but bat itself wasn't visible in game. It wasn't drawn in game. Is it suppose to be invisible? I could see the spell effect it did, but not the bat itself. I think I got quest.
This fighter character is very powerful. I was able to beat Zombie guy from Hero's Tomb just using Bash II, regular hit and one single time for healing spell. Boars are not that hard for fighter.
Overall I really like this mod. I have now played about 2.5 hours with fighter character. I could now try out to beat giant spider and the black rat in cathedral, since those are related to some quest. I haven't visited other goblin tribes yet. Iron mine, that beast in cave I was able to find.
Could there be passive power for gaining extra slot for rune?
Some of the chest in forest did not drop the loot or they drop the coins but they immediately disappered after hitting the ground. I suppose these are bugs.
Thats strange, the bat is the reb-blood variant, should work.
Of course warriors are the best :D, but actually, the other classes will outrank them on the long run with more varied skills, lv5 magic bolt penetrates armor and enemies, also steals mana; freeze can clean whole rooms at lv5, shield and heal are lifesavers...
As for rangers, piercing arrow pierces enemies, their armor and bleeds them, haste give 50% more attack speed, and future skills will build upon that. That´s not saying warrior will have it bad, Charge lv5 is superfun but at heart, they are tanks thats dish heavy damage to single enemies with just a few mid-range damage skills. I still prefere them :), their armors are cooler as well.
Ill check about the extra rune space, but i think its not possible.
I had seem that on the mines, where the rails cover the corpses and loot, its a rendering order layer thing; but in the forest never, does it happen only in green forest?
Yes, that loot disappering happens it the very first forest just next to the town. This also happened in every goblin tribe. I notice that closer character was hidden snatch or chest more like gold/items were about to stay.
I was able to finish game with fighter class without buying the cheating stuff from that goblin or taking powers which were opened when meeting modder. I got killed once in mole goblin lair where goblins just surround me and I could not move.
I noticed that rock barriers were not visible in wyvern tribe. Me and my pet was able to hit but it wasn't visible. Similar like sonic bat.
Anyways great mod and I am looking for next act!
Thanks!, You are a linux user, right? i think all visual errors are happening only to linux.
Yes, I am linux user.
For the ones with graphical errors, could you attach flare_log so i can have a look?
Found here:
I sent this as private message. Did you get it?
Yes, thanks, ill have a good at it to try and fix graphical errors.
I love it so far, playing it for the second time right now, the maps seem a bit too big, they could be a bit smaller, at least the first ones, but especially for later maps (and even in upcoming acts) I like them a bit bigger too.
On the other side I get so much stuff I never need, selling unused stuff and throwing away again and again. It feels like I am the lord of the rings xD, almost 40 % in my inventory are rings now.
I also would like to see the alchemy system in here, maybe even with weapon upgrades or some more crafting resources.