Open Realm of Stars
Open Realm of Stars
I have started a new project called Open Realm of Stars. It is going to be 4X strategy game in stars. I am doing the development with Java and Swing. I started the project May 2016. License for this game GPL2 and source code is available in Github:
For the moment there is no binary version available, only source code.
Currently working things are moving in star map, building improvement on colonized planets, planets can be colonized, research, ship design, space combat. Missing features are AI does not move on star map, AI does not build anything or research anything. Diplomacy is missing from the games. Space now only contains suns, planets and gas giants, missing asteroids nebulaes, anomalies etc. Game has 5 races so 3 more still missing. Game also is missing quite much of graphics, ship components, music and sound effects.
Here is screen shot ship listing:
Planet view:
Exploring the space:
Space combat:
Game uses quite much of assets from the
Here is the current list:
New version of Open Realm of Stars is available.
Biggest changes are that game now has rare technology. This can be acquired mostly from space anomalies or special events. There are new weapons in rare tech: Ion cannon and plasma cannon. New defensive components: Organic armor, solar armor and distortion shields. Tractor beam can be found when exploring the black hole. Deadly virus is learned when deadly virus random event happens. Now this deadly virus can spread when trading with another realm or even on purpose by using espionage mission.

For diplomacy there is possibility to gain casus belli against another realm. This can be achieved if another realm makes border crossings, demands or war declarations. There is also new espionage mission where, your leader explodes his/her own ship and claims that another realm exploded that. This may grant you also casus belli against that realm.
Combat has got new feature where previously passive components can be overload if ship has extra energy. Shields can regenerate faster, engines allows ships move faster, cloaking devices prevents enemy locking on your ship. In one of the test games I was able to beat more powerful fleet by using cloaking devices and destroying one ship per turn and then running away from the combat just to get back energy reserves before attacking again.
There are also couple of new ship bridge images done:

One cool idea for tractor beam would be that maybe in future versions it could be used for stealing other's ships during combat. Full change list and new release is available here:
New version of Open Realm of Stars is available.
Open Realm of Stars could be the very first game direct support with Philips Hue lights. I did not implement light support so that what colors are visible on game screen would be visible in lights too, but instead lights give out the game mood or state. For example each race has their own light which tries to emulate lights on their ship's bridge. If there war declared during diplomatic screen lights start blinking red. Also during combat lights are blink red alert. On map screen light cycle through calm blue, purple and green colors.
Most of light effects I did by using sin and cosine waves for hue coloring and light's brightness. Since it is using sin and cosine intensity level can be also adjust. For example that red alert with highest intensity it goes almost pitch black to bright red and on lower levels it keeps pulsating the between two red levels.
Second biggest changes is the AI. AI wasn't earlier that good, and reason was that it did not do well on colonizing new planets. There were two issues it exploring routine was not good enough and it spent too many moves on sectors that were already visited. Second problem was that AI tried to look new planets from upper left corner of the map. This was due that I use for loops looking for new planets. I changed this that AI now calculates center of it's realm and selects planets which are closer to that point.
During test games AI(Single AI realm) was able to colonize up to 11 or 12 planets where it previously might get 3 or 4. This is major difference. First test game after these changes I actually lost the game for AI. Teuthidae Horde conquered half of the home world in the galaxy and won the game. I had no way to stop that realm. Their technology was much higher than I had. When game ends it now has new sub page which show statistics for different ship design.
That screen shot shows my best design had 45 of military value where Teuthidae had 79 which is quite much more than I had. That particular game there were two ancient realms Teuthidae Horde and Centaur Democracy. These two had best ships. Other AIs had regular start as I did have and those designs seem to be quite in line with each others.
Another game I started with settings where each realm was ancient so it means that galaxy will end up in certain situation which is being played by AI till there. Then the actual game starts. I was playing with Greyans and I was in war with Sporks. I only had corvettes as war ships. People was getting tired for war. I tried to persuade Sporks to make peace with me but it did not work out. So I need to start research more military equipment and skip all non essential technology like scanners.
This caused problems later in the game where two of my planets had cloaked ships orbiting. This prevents building new space ships from that planet. Since I did not see them I couldn't hail them and ask them to leave. Couple of turns later one of those cloaked ships did this:
So some realm was doing terrorist attacks from orbit towards my planet. I had to study and built for scanners and turn out one those ships was actually from Spork realm. Another one was spy from Centaurs, which left after I was able to hail them and ask them to leave my space.
If you are interested to try it out it is available from here:
New version of Open Realm of Stars is available.
If previous version was fixing the AI, now this one is for the content. This will contain two new space races: Reborgians and Lithorians.
Reborgians are cyborg race which can synthesize other beings into their own race when conquering planets. They also gain some technology when conquering other realm's planets.They also get huge negative diplomatic bonuses. These probably work best when these are assigned as ancient realm and in that case they are real threat.
Lithorians are metal eating creatures. They don't need to spend resources on food growing but some of the mined metals on planets are eating by population. This will actually give more production to planets, since no food production is required. Population growth is slower than other races, but it will start grown on starting planet since it has some metal production already.
Then there are new government types: Regime, Technocracy, Collective and Utopia. Regime is tyrant government without the heirs. Technocracy is a bit like democracy but more focused on research. This is very good choice for example Greyans. Collective is mining and mining focused governmment. Utopia government is peaceful government with lots of bonus for culture and food production. Also I changed some of the old goverments so that each of them is some how unique now. Also Alliance goverment is now called Union. Reason for this was that Alliance could be misunderstood when two realms were making alliances.
Then there are limits how many times planets can be conquered during conquer screen and this depends on how fast attacking ships are in combat. Big planet with lot's of population might not be conquered any longer with single turn. Also regular weapons can cause suppression bonus for attacking forces or very rarely destroy buildings.
Leaders have flavor text which are now generated based on what leaders have done during the game play. Both Lithorian and Reborgian screen shot contains example of these flavor texts. Leaders can be also prison if they are caught during espionage mission.
New release is available from here if you are interested:
OROS 0.19.0Beta is now available and it comes with trailer.
In this version there can be 12 realms in the galaxy. This actually changed the game quite much. First is that galaxy size needs to be medium or larger. This causes that nuclear engines are not that good when travelling big distances. Another is that winning is more difficult. This is simple since most of the victory conditions have relations how many realms there are in game. For cultural victory one needs to get half of the realms - 1 to admire one's culture, conquest victory require conquering half of the home planets, population victory is even more difficult since one must gain half of the galaxy population. So getting any of those victory conditions is hard than comparing to 8 realm game.
Another new things are orbitals. Planets can have orbital which do not take building slot. Orbitals are designed in ship designer and components are selected from available technology. These can contain starbase modules, so these can boost planet's research, cultural or credit production. If orbitals contain scanner these scanner can replace planetary scanners. Orbitals are also used for defending planet against attackers.
Planets now have suiteability which varies on each space race. Some of the space race might be more suitable for water worlds, while some like carbon worlds or even iron worlds. Suiteability of planet can be increased researching new technology. This suiteability limits the maximum amount of population on planet. For example planet size of 12 and suiteabiltity of 50% could only hold 6 population.
Tractor beam can now use for stealing other realm's ships in combat. First target ship needs to be immobilized and all military weapons need to be offline. After this ship can be steal during combat.
There are couple of graphical changes. First game can be now run in full-screen mode, which is great for immersion. I also added minor movement of nebulae in quite many views to make it feel more lively. Reborgians also have space ship bridge interor:
There are also some minor changes like that all realms can be AI controlled. This is for me to see how AI is actually playing and hopefully I can make AI more smarter in future versions. Two second minor changes auto exploring and AI controller combat. Both of these were requests. Both auto exploring and AI control in combat both uses same standard AI which is used also in regular AI turns. Turns out that exploring AI is quite bad and needs to be rewritten in next version.
Next version is probably contain quite much AI improvements. One them could be difficulty levels for AI. I am wondering if players generally hate or love challeging AI or even losing for AI. I like to lose in my own game, but I kind of hate it in other games so I might need to do AI difficulty levels. But I am not going to give bonuses or negative bonuses, I am just going make it more stupid on lower difficulty levels.
Any way if you are interested about the game source files and/or binaries are available in Github. Binaries are also available in Itchio.
Hi Reemax, i just played latest version, it´s pretty nice overall. I like how big the science tree is now and how many options it has, the music and sounds are pretty fitting, the battle animations are decent as well.
Now as for the things i didn´t like,
- The news are a nice touch but too cluttered (everyone has election at same time) or not interesting (you get news from empires you haven´t meet yet),
- Your elections are confusing since your asigned governors left their post, to do nothing?, their ultra weird names don´t help telling them apart, the dead ones remain on the list as well.
- Ship movement is annoying, specially at start when you only have 1 point, you implemented FTL pretty well, why not do the same for normal movement? that way i can just mark a route to be scouted intead of going at it every turn.
- Full screen doesn´t work on W10, it created a transpared screen that takes all focus, forced me to reset. Changing resolution to something a bit bigger creates lots of graphical glitches.
- Upgrading buildings forces you to erase old ones in a full world or the production line gets stopped , would be nice if it autoerased it´s old version on full worlds.
- Space combat requires you to click on weapon icon then point enemy to shoot, it would better if the game just cicled weapons by itself when pointing enemies.
The faults are actually to be expected from an alpha/beta and are mostly quality of life, you are doing an impressive work and persevering amazinly. Congrats to you.
Thanks for trying my game and giving feedback.
There are quite much news I agree with that. It shows news about each leader doing something or get killed, which can happen often. Reason why it shows even from empires you have not met is because it is being broadcasted by Galactic Broadcast Network Company, which is indepent from all the realms. Elections happen at same time since most of the governments have reign time 20 turns. (Some governments have 40, 100 turns or even life time) If ruler dies before then elections can happen different time. For news there could be settings or choice that it would only show your local news, or news from realms you have met or show all.
Rulers are pretty much like governor but they giver bonuses for whole realm. What ruler/governor/commander actually benefits it depends on his/her/its perks. Scientific gives research bonus if leader is working as ruler or governor. Diplomatic only gives diplomacy bonus if it is on ruler and so on. For the moment only way differentiate leaders are their names. It would be nice to have different leader pictures but since I am working without budget it is very difficult to obtain multiple faces for multiple alien races. Reason why dead ones stay on the list I am planning to make somekind family tree or similar at somepoint, but not sure if that's a good idea.
Hey, that marking route for normal movement is great idea. I could try to implement that on next version.
Hmm, that sounds really bad. Did Alt+tab or similar work either? I have tried game with FullHD resolution and with that it should work. Almost full screen you should be able to get first resize it big as possible and then change to borderless mode. Borderless mode requires restart to be working. What kind of graphical glitches you experienced?
Yes, true building advanced factory/mine/lab and so one could replace basic factory/mine/lab automatically. This is a good suggestion.
Yes, there are quite many clicking in combat, but it matters in which order those weapons are used, if ship has multiple different types of weapons. Do you mean that weapons could cycled for example mouse wheel or with keys?
I tried fullscreen, but not marked borderless. Nothing worked to close game, not even ctr-alt-sup since i couldn´t get into the task manager even if it was on-screen.
Why not just auto-cicle weapons with left cliking (attack and ready next weapon)? normally you are just spamming the same guy with everything you got onboard, there is no reason to switch weapons. If you want to target a different enemy with a particular weapon, just select it from the components like right now.
Bordless does not affect anyway if you have selected full-screen. I meant that without full screen mode, bordless is the next thing almost full screen if screen is resized for maximum size. Fixing this will be challenging since I don't have Windows 10. I'll try to look if someone else has encounter similar issue with Java. Pressing alt+F4 should still close the game if it is running on top even its not being shown.
Okay, I think I now understood what you mean with auto-cicle. Left-clicking enemy ship would always shoot it with next available when. One whould need to click that many times ship has guns. This sounds like a good feature.
I was able to reproduce drawing issue with full-screen mode with Windows 7. It wasn't blocking the alt+tab but otherwise it was just showing the white screen. If Windows had scaling set to 150% drawing worked but some of the UI buttons went offscreen and game isn't playable at then. However I was able to get this working with full-screen in Windows 7 with following: Full-screen mode on, disable OpenGL hardware support and set scaling from Windows to 100%. Danimal, could you try if these would work with Windows 10?
It worked only while the program was first running(from small window to full), it went full screeen, after i closed and open again the issue returned. Invisible screen that locks all pc focus.
Hmm, so there is probably something different in Windows 7 and Windows 10. It seems there some people has issue with Windows 10 and Minecraft, but that's probably different since Minecraft does not use Swing but something else for rendering the screen. This could be difficult to fix since fullscreen mode is done with three lines and there isn't much to change.
New version of Open Realm of Stars is available. 0.20.0Beta is available in Github or
Biggest update is new AI difficulty levels: Weak, Normal and Challenging. Weak is pretty much the old AI, just with minor fixes. Biggest difference between these difficulty levels is how AI does the space exploration. On weak it tries to move around the sun by keeping certain distance from the sun. This causes AI to move already explored sectors and isn't effective. On normal difficulty AI also tries to keep distance but same time move sectors which give most of the new unexplored sectors. Finally on challenging AI goes greed and only moves sectors which give most of new explored sectors. Main idea is that with better AI for exploration AI will eventually gain more planets and be more better in game.
There are also some minor changes for example how populations are handled on planets with higher difficulty levels. Challenging AI will not allow blocking planets by moving fleets there, it will try to send another fleet from another planet to destroy that. AI is also more aggressive, since earlier there was issue that AI did not make war against human player if borders were crossed too often. These changes make game more challenging, I probably didn't win once while playing test games if there was ancient realms in game.
There are two new space races in the game too: Alteirians and Smaugirians. Alteirians are bit different to each other space races. These guys are weak but very smart folk. They don't live on planet surfaces but on planet orbitals. This cause that Alteirians are very easy to conquer by simply destroying their orbital. Because they live on orbital they get big negatives on population production and mining which makes them really slow on building at beginning of the game. On the other hand their research can be over 4 times at beginning compared to other races. Alteirians also have challenging time against space pirates since they can be encoutered quite early and are able to destroy Alteirian orbital. In fact Alteirians were the first space race that I actually lost complete during test games. On that I noticed that game is missing own "you lost" screen. This is now added, and player can choose if he/she wants to see results immediately or let AI finish the game.
Another new space race is Smaugirians. These are folk that can place weapons and privateering modules to their freighters. These guys also have two new government types: Syndicate and Pirates. So in short Smaugirians can be played as space pirating race, if wanted. When their freighters have weapons other realms still count them as unarmed.
There are also some minor changes, like auto shoot in combat simply clicking the enemy ship. Also by default human player won't get all the news from other realms before they have had diplomatic meeting. Game can be also configured so that each realm is controlled by AI, so human can just watch how AI is playing the game. This is mostly when doing AI update, but it is there if someone else is interested see how AI plays. There are small changes also for tech trees. In theory each space race could have their own tech tree, but mostly they have shared techs. There are some exceptions for exampl Alteirians do not have terra forming tech since they don't live on planet, but they have bigger orbitals and orbital lifts. Mechions and Lithorians do not have food production tech since those guys do not eat. Instead they have research and mining tech available only for those.
New version of Open Realm of Stars is available. 0.21.0Beta is available in Github or
Biggest changes are two new space races: Synthdroids and Alonians. Synthdroids are android which are bit like mix between humans and Mechions. Synthdroids need to be built like Mechions, but Synthdroids also need food to survive. They only need 50% of food than compared to other races. Synthdroids are using the old news reader image with legs added. Alonians are different compared to other races, they don't have starting planet at all. Instead they have more ships than others. (4 scouts and 2 colony ships). They also get extra research point for each colony ship with at least one colonist on board and not orbiting planet. Also space stations produce extra research point if they some research facilities.
Game can now have up to 16 realms. There are total number of 16 different space race so each space race can be in same game. This 16 realms make winning of diplomatic, cultural, domination or by population victory quite challenging since you need to gain 50% of other realms to win. For example diplomatic victory you need to gain trust of over 50% total population of whole galaxy. Domination requires conquering of 50% of home planets. Cultural victory requires have at least cultural admires for almost half of the galaxy. And finally population victory requires to have 50% or more of whole galaxy population.
This version features space worms and space krakens as space monsters. These can be found from the space anomalies. I actually had quite interesting bug with these while playing test game. Earlier updates added tractor beam which can be used for stealing ships from other realms and I thought I had disabled that for space monsters. Turned out that I wasn't and I got text where it said ship has been captured. I fixed this that tractor beam can be used for disabled space monster for taming it. Now you can have your own pet space monsters.
There are also features which should make game less for micro management. Regular movements can be set as route. This is very good for exploration fleets to move. Game will also notify if exploration fleet finds planets or space anomalies or deep space anchors. Planet governors can now automatically select next building project when previous project finishes. Governors can also suggest what building should be destroyed or recycled if planet is full. Governor can be give a guidance for example focusing on research or military. In ship design view it is possible to use AI to design ships for you. This uses same methods as AI realms use. Player need to select ship hull and possible variant for ship type and name the ship. After design player can still modify the ship as needed or wanted.
There is also a new basic weapon: multicannon. Some of the space race will have access for multicannon instead of railgun. Multicannons have very short range and bad accurarcy(Only with first generation, this will get better instead of range like other weapon types) but good thing with multicannons is that they do not require energy. This allows new ship designs like small ship with armor, nuclear engines and multicannons. This basically allows to have one single "extra" component in ships since no energy is required for weapons.
Finally let's show picture of Smaurigian space ship bridge(This space ship bridge image was also added in this version):
I would be really interested to hear if you have tried out the game and your thoughts about it.
I mentioned your request at and I got a response there.
Cool, thanks! I really appreciate this!
It is very challenging to get some visibility for your game!
New version of Open Realm of Stars is available. 0.22.0Beta is available in Github or
This new version updates mostly user interface and AI. For user interface starmap can be scrolled by dragging it with mouse. Another big change in starmap is that with left clicking it is possible to plan regular move route a bit similar like FTL route. One must click at least two sectors farther from fleet to start planning the route. Clicking sector next to fleet it still moves the fleet. During combat there is possibility to shown weapon ranges for current ship.
For AI there is improved challenging exploration algorithm. AI also now can change target of colony planet if it notice that planet has been colonized. Previously this required that AI travelled next to planet. Now if planet has been visible earlier and it is colonized, cultural value of sector changes and this is visible even behind the fog of war. There has been also fixed a bug where AI always attacked against orbital no matter what the defense was. I have also fixed AI bug where gathering attack fleet could get jammed if planet where gathering was suppose to happen was actually occupied by another realm. Also if AI ship escapes from combat and it was defending on planet, it now returns to nearest safe home planet.
There are three new background music and one new combat music. Two new star images, previously there was just single star image. Humans now start from planet called Earth and also other planets have correct names and some even images. There is also possible to find Galactic News Broadcasting Company's station. From there you can find ancient artefact. Some space anomalies also contain ancient artefacts. Currently these can be research by leader and they give boost for scientific research. Artifacts can be also trade with other realms. Later versions idea is that these could be used for gaining a new type victory in game.
There is also Let's Play series in Youtube. I have also made video about Galaxy Settings and all the Space Races.
There is now new version of Open Realm of Stars(0.23.0Beta) available. Biggest change is that in order to get diplomatic victory one needs to get at least 50% or more galaxy to vote. So it means realms can now abstain voting for the ruler. Galactic secretary can now choose what to vote next, previously this was chosen randomly.
Another big change is that leader are selected from separate list. Each planet that can deliver leader is added then into list. Leaders are some amount of turns there and they get older while they are in the list. So this means that it is possible to select what kind of leader one is going to hire.
In diplomatic view it is possible to now see relation bonuses on tool tip. There is also open text search in game's tutorial/help feature. There are also quite many new texts added into tutorial.
Open Realm of Stars now contains new images to all random events and planetary events. These images has been created using stable diffusion. Some of those images I were able to create those with prompt but others required more work. For example deserted ship is done so that I first created fighter jet and stiched to look like two fuselages and engines just copying pieces of that generated jet fighter. Space background was created with separate prompt. Then img2img tool was to create stiched jet fighter to single alien ship.
In statistics view, planet view there is now added number of planets each realm has. This was clearly missing from the statistics, since if there are multiple realms it is possible that there are multiple realms with same amount of planets and line graph is not enough.
This version has been finished quite, long but I have been also working with Let's play video where I play with Teuthidae Empire so that I try to focus on Cloaking devices and espionage modules. Link to let's play video:
Open Realm of Stars is available in both Itchio and Github.
There is now new version available for Open Realm of Stars 0.24.0Beta.
Originally my plan was add new game ending, but I got quite many good quality of live improvement suggestions, so I focused on those.
I also saw AI discussion on Reddit and based on that I also modified the most difficult AI.
First obvious new UI improvement is that there are two selectable UI schemes: classic and new space grey. Spacegrey is a bit more calmer hopefully clearer. Then there are improvements for fleet movements. There is small icon indicate if fleet has moves left, or has been routed or already moved. There is also a button for regular movements in starmap view. User can also switch planets/fleets by pressing tab and tab+shift keys. Esc key also moves one view back if that is possible.
There is also improvements for leader view. In same view there is a list of recruitable leaders, so no more getting random leader when user clicks recruit button. Also if two realms are in trade alliance it is possible to recruite leader from another, as long as your realm does not have xenophobia.
There is also improvement in planet view. There is secondary tab which shows uncolonized planets in a list. Best found planetary is on top of the list and it even tries to get new planet close to your old ones.
There is also background story for each realm. This is show for human player in the beginning of the game. It depends on your space race, goverment, starting planet and based on randomization. At end of the game you are able to see you full story depending on what events happened during the game. You can also view story for each realm.
Then about the AI. Previously all AI in Open Realm of Stars was giving a score for each building project. Then on dice roll was done, bigger the score bigger the chance for getting that project to be picked. But in Reddit discussion, it turn out it would be better to always pick the highest score. This required quite many changes for the scoring since, now there should not be equal score for projects. For example building factory and mine got same score. Now it depends how many production or metal planet is producing and that affects for scoring.
For this AI change I also modifed JUnits which actually run whole games by the AI. Previously each test had different output based on what was the purpose of that test. Now I changed that each test prints out everything. This actually helped a lot for debugging the AI and getting the improvements done.
There are also quite many bugs being fixed and added smaller new features like space anomaly which contains destroyed planet, or precius gems planetary event.
There is also new trailer for this release.
Open Realm of Stars is available in Github or Itchio:
There is now new version available for Open Realm of Stars 0.25.0.
These update focus mainly on starmap performance and behaviour. There is now new way how star map is being drawn and this significantly improves frames per second. This can be noticed by moving the mouse. Previously game draw full star map always on screen. In this version it will keep track which tiles needs to be redrawn and only draws them. I also tried out adding a separate thread which would do the drawing, since it was quite easy to do. Drawing itself was quite separate method. This actually worked with my desktop, but for unknown reason drawing got slower on my laptop. So after that I decided to draw only tiles which were changed.
Second big feature is zooming in and out. Simply using mouse wheel, player is able to zoom in and out. This caused that all tiles were redrawn in 64x64 pixel size and then scaled to 32x32 and 16x16 tiles. Also black hole is now just regular tiles. Previously it was mixing the background pixels but that cause issues with new drawing routine. But I think new black hole tiles are better looking than the old ones, it is also faster to drawn.
Then one where is zoomed out:
There are couple of new perks for leader, mostly for commanders. Commander can gain experience by finding new planets or doing explore missions on planets. If they have cartographer or trekker perk experience is doubled from these tasks.
Background story is also bit more improved and there is more variant in texts. When game ends there are more events which are shown in full story of the realm. There also smaller improvements and bug fixes and Java7 is no longer supported. Java11 is now the minimum Java version. This should not cause any issues since Java7 is really old version.
Open Realm of Stars is available in Github or Itchio.
There is a new version available for Open Realm of Stars. Basic things has been redesign for this version. Space race, governments are completely redone, they have traits which define how they function. These traits are scored and now each space race and governments have equal amount of score. Of course space race and governments resemble the old one, but there are some changes. Alonians have been removed from the game only special thing they had was their starting.
In this version each realm can choose/randomize starting scenario. One can start from certain type of planet, including Earth, or without starting planet or from utopia planet which has lot's of buildings done, but have no ships. Last choice is starting planet that is doomed to have some kind of bad event(s). Idea is to react and just move population to other planet.
For one realm there are 15 space races, 22 governments, 17 starting scenarios and toggle setting for elder race. So there are 11220 different kind of starting for one single realm. Maximum number of realms is 16 so there is quite many ways to generate starting galaxy.
Game is now using JSON files to load speeches, space race, governments, buildings. So these are no longer made with purely in Java code. Good side is at least in theory it is possible to mod the game. In the future it is also possibility to add editor for creating custom space race and/or government.
Second big change is the planets. Earlier planets were quite similar between each others. They had radiation, size, and amount of metal. Planet type was almost purely for cosmetics. In this version planet has temperature, radiation, size, gravity and water level. Based on these world type is selected. When starmap is being created, sun type determines what kind of planet is more likely to be created. Hotter sun have hotter and more radiated planets. Temperature affects how much water planet has. Planet size affects directly on gravity planet has.
Due these changes space races now have abilities which may give bonus or mallus depending on planet and space race. For example there space race which are more used to function in low gravity. If that colonizes normal or high gravity planet they get mallus for mining and production. On other hand if space race used for high gravity gets bonus on low gravity or normal gravity bonus. This same goes also with temperature. There are space race which are more tolerant for cold and some are more tolerant for hotter planets. Water level on planet directly tells how much food planet produces naturally without any changes.
There are also statuses with planets, that are triggered to activate after certain amount of star years. For example precious gems are no longer discovered immediately after colonization, but just after few star years. Planet can have multiple of these statuses.
Although it might sounds these changes were small, but there has been quite a lot of code rewritten to implement all this. For this it is good to continue to have new features.
Open Realm of Stars is available in Github and Itchio.
It has been almost a year since the previous version. There have been some major changes in the game. The biggest change is definitely that players can now create their own species and government types. You can now create some really interesting species, like a robot species that eats metal or a robot civilization that lives on photosynthesis. Or how about a species that derives its life force from money/energy and only lives in orbit?
Since the game is single-player, I didn’t even prevent the possibility of making an overwhelmingly strong species or government type. The AI can also use these custom species/governments. The game now reads these from the user’s home folder, so in theory, it's possible to create mods that introduce new species/governments, etc. You can also change their graphics if you're up for it.
The AI has been improved; it can now manage planets a bit better, especially on artificial planets, where it used to make stupid mistakes, like building mines on them. The AI can now explore space a bit better and attack space stations from the side instead of directly from the front. It’s still pretty dumb and can’t compete with a human, but I just don’t know how to make it smarter.
Most of the improvements have been focused on the fact that, thanks to custom species, the game can now have combinations that were not possible before, which caused bugs. For example, species that live solely on energy couldn’t reproduce at all unless the option to have them build new ones was selected.
Additionally, if you're in an alliance with another player and you’re both at war with a third party, when peace is made, both allies make peace at the same time. Furthermore, you can ask your allies, if you’re both at war with the same opponent, where their planets are. This way, you don’t have to search for the planets first, but can start planning the attack right away.
I also added a completely new feature to the game, which might not have been in any previous 4X games, called the 'snowman mode.' When a human player leads in some victory category and the game has been played for at least 100 turns, you can activate the so-called snowman mode and let the AI finish the game. Afterward, you can see what happens. If you didn’t win, you can reload your game and continue. This can be useful if you’re tired of the endgame and don’t enjoy it. The name comes from the idea that a 4X player conquers other players like gathering snow to make a bigger snowball. Well, you can turn that snowball into a snowman, hence the name.
Open Realm of Stars is available in Github and Itchio.