16x16 Tiles
16x16 Tiles
Friday, December 17, 2010 - 07:54
Art Type:
Includes blue and green water, blue and orange bricks (two variants each), lava tiles, trash, pipes, wooden floors/walls, and brown bricks with several variants.
They're not perfect, but I'll probably be adding more variants to then at some point in the future, so I'll save the fine-tuning until then. :)

Hey, very nice, keep this way! =D
i need more practice, but soon i will add some tiles too :P
Its a shame you didnt add more since they are very cool!
I'd love some futuristic robot or wallee robot junkyard tiles...
Hello! I’ve used your tiles (blue bricks and dirt [recoloured]) in my free replacement for RM2k's Basis.png.
I’ve also created a little tower based on your blue bricks (I plan to use it in my replacement for Outline.png), I’m attaching it here in case someone finds it useful. It is also licensed CC0/public domain.
cool! I used this for a game I made in a jam so here it is if ur interested :) https://atmanan.itch.io/splash-n-serve-resort