16x16 tileset: water, grass and sand
16x16 tileset: water, grass and sand
Wednesday, January 12, 2011 - 23:32
Art Type:
A simple 16x16 tileset containing the water, sand and grass tiles. It is not perfect, but usable.
I hope someone finds a good use for it.

Not bad! I think you could easily expand on this and separate the water so it can be animated. I also think the grass tiles need non-sand edges to the water. If you separate the water and make the edges over transparent areas, you could then stack the grass on the sand or the sand on grass.
Nice tileset! i can use this as inspiration for my art
Awesome, thanks for sharing!
I've just revised these tiles a bit: changed the water and the sand so that they’re not just a random noise but have some texture, and changed the grass so that it tiles better. The original version is still there if someone likes it.