3 Ping Pong Sounds 8 bit style

3 Ping Pong Sounds 8 bit style

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(This package is bundled with the graphics http://opengameart.org/content/full-8bit-ping-pong-set)


The good old Ping Pong game is still the best to warm up for a game programming career.

Don't believe it? I tell you why:

  • You will need to get a lag free rendering or drawing solution for all situations, that will teach you a lot, even on this low level and is essential.
  • You need to take care of game mechanics to make the game fun to play
  1. The player stick should not be at the target location instantly, that is boring and not old school (You remember the atari potentiometers?). 
  2. Colision Detection (what about the small sides of the stick?). 
  3. Nice reflecting of the ball (that one has to be perfect and involves a tiny glimse of unavoidable maths for game programmers)
  4. Constraints - The sticks must stop at the walls.


  • Last but not least the sounds have to be syncronized with the screen action. Lag free.
  • You can do what freshly baken game designers should and change the mechanics to make it more interesting. Like some friction on the sticks. An AI for the enemy stick, so you can play alone and have a good but satisfying challenge? Or something real crazy... Feel free, be creative!

 Have fun!  Yours, captaincrunch80

sounds_ping_pong_8bit.zip sounds_ping_pong_8bit.zip 15.1 Kb [11274 download(s)]