32x32 SnowMan for Isometric Tile Set
32x32 SnowMan for Isometric Tile Set
Saturday, December 8, 2012 - 21:26
Art Type:
This is a snowman that will be compatible with the 32x32 based isometric tileset.
Made for entry into the Some Like it Cold competition.
Attribution Instructions:
Isometric Tile - Snowman by Michael J Pierce @ IsometricRobot.com or Display the IsometricRobot mascot in one of his forms (anywhere is the associated work) with a link back to IsometricRobot.com

Nice! I plan to use this.
What 32x32 isometric tileset are you referring? All the isometric tilesets I've seen are either 48x48 or 64x64. All the 32x32 tilesets I could find are orthogonal.
Its one that I am slowly building. See my wheat a dirt tiles as an example.
Ah, I see. Cool. Looking forward to seeing the complete tileset!