3D grass patch
3D grass patch
Monday, May 20, 2013 - 03:28
Art Type:
This is my first attempt to make a grass patch using Blender 2.63 & Blender's internal render. Texture of the grass blade taken from http://www.blendswap.com/blends/view/40183 - Grass Cycles by einarparker which has cc by 3 license, so please give him credit too. I've changed colour of the texture to make it a bit dark green & also tried to give a reddish colour using Gimp.
Oh by the way i can't model anything & i was fed up by the lack of grass patch to use with Blender's internal render, it's not that good i know that but i think scatter it on a ground with a variation of size & mix up with colours is ok by me.
I hope it'll be helpful to you too. If you use it please let me know, i want to see how it's been used.

The grass looks good, but not usable in a game, maybe a high end one. In the other case you could render the grass patch to a picture and map that again on some simple intersecting planes, so you would have a more low poly version.
The other thing is, it does not really make sense to use another texture for each color, you can do that with the diffuse color slider in the materials.