Animal Figurines

Animal Figurines

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Created for Flare

These animal figurines are used in Flare to boost a core stat. The animal and paint markings are thematic to the stat.

  • Bear = strength = red
  • Owl = intellect = blue
  • Cat = agility = yellow
  • Turtle = defense = green

These are very low-poly models that I used to generate simple icons and item previews. I don't mind the very low-poly look here because it helps give it a rough "wood carving" look. Specs:

  • About 200 tris each
  • Diffuse texture 256x256px
  • Emit glow texture 256x256px
  • Paint and unpainted versions included
  • UV mapped
  • Not rigged, and not really designed with rigging in mind

Please contact me if you'd like to use these under different terms. I'm happy to help small/indie projects.

[update] Added unpainted 512x512 alpha renders of each figurine

Attribution Instructions: 
Just put my name "Clint Bellanger" somewhere with the rest of the credits. Optionally you may link to this page, or to or to
File(s): 1.5 Mb [706 download(s)]
unpainted_bear.png unpainted_bear.png 162.3 Kb [502 download(s)]
unpainted_owl.png unpainted_owl.png 125.2 Kb [334 download(s)]
unpainted_cat.png unpainted_cat.png 131.1 Kb [347 download(s)]
unpainted_turtle.png unpainted_turtle.png 139.4 Kb [303 download(s)]