Creepy Sci-Fi synth loop
Creepy Sci-Fi synth loop
Monday, April 11, 2011 - 19:33
Art Type:

Just a creepy background loop.
If you use this, you must link in your attribution.

I like it Bart
Thanks :)
I was thinking of maybe writing some music on top of it. Not sure where to go yet, but maybe with some bit-crushed drums and such.
Well if you dont like the bit crunched drums you can also go and over compress the drums. Its a technique they use in drum in bass music. its gels the audio together but also gives it a "dirty feel" maybe what you might be going for as "bit crunched"
Is it okay if the link is not clickable in attribution? The system I am using automates the author from the filename, so I can have it say "by," but not with the link being clickable (an anchor tag). If it must be clickable instead of just a text referenece to the website, I'll have to pass over this soundbyte.
@Charles Stover: Sorry I missed this message. I'm sure it's way too late now, but the link doesn't need to be clickable.