Glitch Inhabitants and Cubimals (SVG)
Glitch Inhabitants and Cubimals (SVG)
Saturday, November 23, 2013 - 17:04
Art Type:
Inhabitants and Cubimals from Glitch, in SVG format. Just over 100 files total.
Attribution Instructions:
There is no obligation to link or credit the works, but if you do, please link to, our permanent "retirement" site for the game and these assets. Of course, links/shoutouts to Tiny Speck ( and/or Slack ( are appreciated.

i have a problem editing the SVGs, i can't ungroup them.
i don't know why, but with these glitch-SVGs it works.
edit: and i can't copy it into other svg-files
Has anyone of you the same problem?
a have a second issue with these SVGs, where it works: when i ungroup them, i see these parts in a wrong order.
but when i export these to a png, the png looks right (like it looks when not ungrouped)
@rubberduck - Which program are you using?
i use incscape (v 0.48)
Checked... and it's not just you...
Inkscape ugroups them by totally taking them appart. Loading them in Illustrator CS5 makes an even bigger mess of it and I get several copies displayed at the same time with positions of objects rather random. The same thing happens in Corel Draw X4 - if it doesn't crash altogether.
I will have to try with some other tools to see if there is a way to work with these assets at all.
Opening them with GIMP and saving as PNG worked for me. Thanks for these!
Just wanted to say that four years later it warms my heart to come across this here. I miss you, Glitch. <3
Edit: Issue has been fixed, thanks for sharing. I never had the chance to play this game which is unfortunate because the art looks very quirky and unique.