Hey Boss!
Hey Boss!
Friday, January 2, 2015 - 20:32
Art Type:

this song is perfect for any boss battle.
Copyright/Attribution Notice:
you dont have to but if you like, just leave my link www.megupets.com

Nice !!
Hey, question: is it just me, or has this had dynamic range compression applied to it? I've listened closely and looked at the wave form, and there are points where it just increases in volume very briefly, which is consistent with what I would expect from Audacity's "compressor" effect.
If it has had dynamic range compression applied to it, do you have the uncompressed version, by any chance? And if so, could you add it, preferably as a FLAC or WAV file so quality isn't lost?
I ask because this is one of the tracks I was considering using at some point in Hexoshi (https://hexoshi.gitlab.io), but now that I've listened more closely to it and let it loop a couple of times, I don't think it has enough dynamic range to work as it stands.
hello , i made this song a few years ago, to be honest im not sure if i can find the project file.
I will look for it tho, everything was made in FLSTUDIO. You can get the full album here
or the album before that one
Nice game you got there.
Hit me up if you need anything else.